Greetings from South Bend this Sunday PM. We just completed our last regular supporting church visit in Benton Harbor this morning, which was our last church service. I reported back to the church during the church service, and then taught Sunday school. Their Sunday school follows the morning service. We ate dinner with the missions committee and the pastor afterwards. We had a good time. Tonight, we visit our home church, Community Baptist Church, for our last service in the USA. Early Wednesday we are scheduled to leave from South Bend, arriving in Suriname shortly after midnight on Thursday AM.
To back up, we enjoyed the week that I taught a block course at Faithway Baptist College in Ajax, Ontario. On Saturday, we drove across Ontario to Port Huron, and then on to Saginaw, Michigan. We stayed two days at the home of John and Julie Savage, and enjoyed being with them. They are members of Community Baptist Church. On Saturday night, Community Baptist Church of Shields had an international banquet, which was enjoyed by all. Then the following morning I taught Sunday school and reported to the church in the morning service. We ate afterwards with a group from the church, and later drove nearby to First Baptist Church of Bridgeport, where we enjoyed the evening service, and reported back to the church. The following day we drove back to our home base in South Bend.
This last week, Fred and Joan Hubele have been taking care of us as we continue to pack up using the large basement apartment at their home. Joan has been cooking dinner so that Liz would be able to concentrate on packing. On Wednesday, we drove to Ann Arbor Baptist Church, where I reported back to the church and preached. We stayed overnight with Dr. Gary Hirth, who has been a dear friend ever since we started work in Suriname. We so much enjoyed our time eating out and fellowshipping with him overnight. We drove back on Thursday, and have been packing up since then.
I might ask a personal request. I broke off a small piece of a molar, exposing the nerve from the tooth. The dentist was able to cover the nerve with a filling, but apparently the nerve continues to be inflamed and cause some pain. The severe pain is gone, but a dull ache continues. It would be great to see the pain subside without requiring a root canal. However it is flaring again tonight.
As we reflect back over the last 4 ½ months, we are so thankful for the many many people who have helped us, prayed for us, fed us, allowed us to report or preach in their churches, gave us opportunities in their colleges, etc. We are most grateful. We are now ready to be back in Suriname. We are anxious to see the progress in the church building project. We are anxious to see our people, and how the various people and churches have been doing in our absence. We are praying about how the Lord will be using us to see His work go forward in Suriname. Will you join us in prayer?
Prayer requests:
Spiritual growth because we cannot lead our people beyond where we are spiritually
Our health and strength for the ministry
Safety driving this last few days
That we might be a blessing, and that the word of God might impact lives everywhere we go.
The churches in Suriname - their growth, outreach, and spiritual impact
The church building in progress at Sunny Point - both the work itself and finances to cover the building materials and costs.
Our flight to return on November 3rd, and for all our luggage to arrive. Since there is a higher security alert, we would be grateful to be able to clear security without problems.
In Him and Content: Bob & Liz Patton Missionaries to Suriname