200 Million Dead Babies since 1960?
Today's program “celebrates” the 50th anniversary of the Pill, developed and tested by Doctors Gregory Pincus and John Rock and released to the public in 1960. Funding was initially provided by Margaret Sanger via her friend, Kathryn McCormick. The initial funding of $40,000 turned into a total bequest of $2,000,000. We encourage everybody who has ever used the pill to send a thank you card to Planned Parenthood, and acknowledge the commitment of the organization's founder.
Importantly, the abortifacient capacity of the pill was largely ignored until Christian author, Randy Alcorn and several others began to publicize it in the early 1990s. But then again, society didn't really care. After all, we are too much propelled by the existentialist, me-centered world to care about what happens to some stupid cell! To think of how many Christians have wittingly or unwittingly killed millions of their children since 1960 is jarring, to say the least.
About 1/4 of women on the pill still ovulate, but pregnancies are as low as 3-4%. Given that 30% of American women 18-45 years of age are on the pill (http://www.cbs.nl/en-GB/menu/themas/bevolking/publicaties/artikelen/archief/2009/2009-2725-wm.htm), about 6% of American women are having pill-induced abortions in any given year (and it may be as many as 12 abortions)! I would estimate that this would be anywhere from 3- 10 million extra abortions per year!
The true number of aborted children since 1960 or 1973 in this country is far more than 50 million. It may be closer to 200 million if you include those killed by the pill, the day-after pill, and RU486. How much of the birth rate drop from 4.0 (in 1950) to 2.0 presently is made up of dead, aborted babies?
A lot of doctors, pastors, and people with a little basic knowledge concerning the functioning of the pill could have warned their people about it. But somehow, our Christian society didn't really care. After all, “It was just one stupid cell. And, I have MY life, MY quality of life, and MY health to think about here.” BTW, ungodly herbologists and witches have always been well aware of the sorts of plants that induce abortions. There truly is nothing new under the sun. . . just a whole lot more naive Christians, I guess.
May God have mercy on us.