We are now on our deputation schedule. On Wednesday, August 18 we went to Crete, Illinois for a good meeting with Pastor Oeltzin. After years of hearing his German name mispronounced, he introduces himself as Olson. We had a nice time. They have a ministry of distributing bread and other goodies that are given by a local bakery, and they sent some home with us. Then beginning on Sunday, we had a missions conference with Pastor Bouslag at Bible Baptist Church in New Buffalo. It was only the second time that I have been a keynote speaker, and I considered it an honor. There were four other missionaries. The fourth night, the missionary was our son Marc and his family. We had a surprise - Cathy and Bryce Chapman drove from Niles and Becky and Ernie Ramsey drove from the area of Hammond, so three of our children were present. Our good friends Fred and Joan Hubele drove up from South Bend. We base out of their home when in the area there. We had a very special time together. Marc and family packed up on Thrsday and left for Hungary on Friday. Ethan and Kim Champlin were on the east coast, but we plan to see them in about two weeks.
This last weekend, we were in Calvary Baptist Church in Manistee, Michigan. It is our first time with Dr. Al Knutson in 25 years. We had a good service. We then went south to Muskegon, Michigan with Pastor Don Letson and the Broadway Baptist Church. A special blessing at that church was to hear that 2 young men were saved at the end of the service.
The church building project in Sunny Point is progressing, as shown in the pictures taken Sunday. The next step is putting a ring of steel-reinforced cement around the top of the building, followed by the roof. We have had some generous offerings which will make it possible to perhaps complete the roof. We continue to pray for the completion of the building. In the upper picture, the pastor’s wife is in the front with the white skirt. In the lower picture, the assistant pastor and pastor are shown in the window frame.
Kalow Palata, the pastor at the main church, has had more problems with his back. He requests prayer for himself and the entire church family. His son Gwatoes, who had the amputation, is having a very slow healing of the fracture in the amputation stump.
I have been spending considerable time correcting and improving our college presentations. I would appreciate greatly your prayers for that as well.
Prayer requests:
Our spiritual growth
Our ministry in the USA
Safety in travel
Health and strength for the work
Sunny Point building project for funds so that it can be finished soon
Main church and Kalow Palata’s health
In Him and Content: Bob & Liz Patton Missionaries to Surinam