Dear Friends, A young man named Liep Heng started attending our church early this year. He came to us with many questions and quickly understood the Gospel, because, before coming to us, he had been reading a "comic" book called Good & Evil written by Michael Pearl and translated into Khmer by a missionary here.
Accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ was much more difficult for Liep Heng than merely understanding. He is the only son of his Chinese-Cambodian family. The responsibility of carrying on the "family" spirit altar falls squarely upon his shoulders. (Much like the spirit altar represented in the Disney cartoon film "Mulan") Most Cambodian-Chinese believe if they stop lighting incense on the family's spirit altar they are abandoning their ancestors in a purgatory-like Hell. It is also commonly stated that your mother and father are God #1. Other God's, including Buddha, come after your parents.
Liep Heng's father allowed him to attend church but told him to not be mistaken about his responsibilities to his family. This weighed heavily on the heart and mind of this young man as he contemplated a decision for Christ. In May, Liep Heng stated in a sad tone of voice, "My family's spriit altar is my responsibility, so I cannot accept Christ." However he continued to come to church and remain hungry for teaching from God's Word.
On June 20, 2010, Liep Heng raised his hand for salvation after the Sunday morning service. I dealt with him immediately. It was absolutely necessary for me to ask the hard questions. "Who is God?" " Are there any other true gods?" "Is the Lord Jesus Christ more important than your parents?" This last question did not retrieve a quick reply. Squirming in his seat and wringing his hands, Liep Heng was considering what many in this country would call "treason" and betraying one's own family. After a long pause, Liep Heng answered, "Yes! Jesus Christ is the most important person in the world!"
After accepting Christ, Liep Heng received counsel from God's Word about how to live for Christ and maintian a peaceful and loving relationship with his parents.
Liep Heng has been doing well. He works hard to help his father in their family business, attends church, and just went out soulwinning with us for the first time last week. Of course the Devil is not pleased with his decision to follow Christ. The Mormons have found an in-road to this young man through some of his friends. Liep Heng understands that they are different, but seems to be intent on maintaining contact in order to "straighten out" some of his friends. Lord willing, Liep Heng and I will be meeting with some of the "elders" to discuss differences. Please pray that God will give me wisdom to show Liep Heng clearly from the Bible that Mormon belief is erroneous from scripture. In order to do this, these "elders" will have to admit what they believe. Admitting what they believe is not something they readily do.
Please pray for God to guide Liep Heng into all truth. Please pray for him to continue to grow in this witness and testimony for Christ. Please pray for his family to also be saved.
Serving Christ in Cambodia,
Rodney Ruppel