2010 Sovereign Grace Bible Conference - July 23, 2010
Welcome to our 15th Annual Sovereign Grace Bible Conference.
What is a Sovereign Grace Bible Conference? Sovereign - We gather to worship our God who absolutely and independently reigns over all things for the glory of His Name. He not only has the right to do as He pleases, but He exercises that right. In providence, He brings to pass His eternal, sovereign, irresistible purpose and in salvation He bestows His mercy upon whom He will. The Lord says, “I will do all my pleasure.” Grace - We gratefully acknowledge the Father’s electing grace. In love He chose a multitude which no man can number to be the recipients of His salvation. We bless His name for redeeming grace. Christ, our Substitute, rendered satisfaction to divine justice by His death and paid in full the debt owed by His people. We thank the Holy Spirit for regenerating and calling grace. He convinced us of “sin, righteousness and judgment,” He taught us of Christ Jesus and His righteousness, and He revealed the Savior in us. Someday, when we see the Lamb on His throne, we shall be glorified and all the saints will eternally bless the name of the Lord for His marvelous, free and sovereign grace. Bible - The Word of God is the sole authority to which we bow. This Book of all books is a revelation of God and His marvelous purpose of redemption through Christ Jesus the Lord. Conference - We gather together, not to debate the issues and not to exchange thoughts; we assemble to hear the servants of the Lord proclaim to us the gospel of God’s grace. May the Lord be exalted and magnified as we meet together.
CONFERENCE SPEAKERS/SCEHDULE: Lance Hellar - Missionary Papua, New Guinea 7PM/ FRIDAY & 7PM SATURDAY Tim James - Pastor Sequoyah Baptist Church, Cherokee, North Carolina 8PM FRIDAY & 10 AM SUNDAY Gary Shepard - Pastor Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Jacksonville, North Carolina 6PM SATURDAY & 11AM SUNDAY
Of all the times on earth most sweet, ‘Tis when the saints together meet; To hear the gospel of free grace, And mercies to Jehovah trace.
O let us sing with one accord, And glorify our sovereign Lord; Exalt and magnify His Name; His worthy praises now proclaim.
Lord bless Thy servants, we beseech, As they to us of Jesus preach; We love the precious, gospel Word, The sweetest message ever heard.
May Christ alone be magnified, Who for our sin was crucified; He is the Lord our Righteousness, Who saved us from our sinfulness.
Lord as we listen to Thy Word, O may our stubborn hearts be stirred; Show us that we are sinful dust, And grant that we on Christ may trust. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
First Baptist Church 881 Van Dyke Road, P.O. Box 155, Almont, Michigan 48003 810-798-8888 Jim Byrd, Pastor
Sunday Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Television Broadcast over Cable Channel 97 in Almont, Imlay City and Dryden 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE
Wednesday: 7 p.m. Bible Study and Youth Groups
Pastor Byrd’s messages are accessible on www.freegraceradio.com, cassette and video tape, CD and DVD www.sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont email: fbc@airadvantage.net