All glory to the Father’s Name, Who from our sinful race; Chose out a people to proclaim, The wonders of His grace.
All glory to the Son be made, Who dwelt in human clay; By His own blood our debt was paid, And sin was washed away.
All glory to the Spirit give, Who at the chosen hour; In mercy calls to sinners “Live!” How mighty is His pow’r!
All glory to the Trinity, All thankfulness and praise; Be Thine for all eternity, To everlasting days! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We must never be vague about the substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ. To merely say to this religious generation, “Christ died for sinners,” is to dodge the issue and not tell all the truth. The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus was a victorious death for a particular people. “Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25). “I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Let me be as clear as I can be. It is blasphemous to say that Christ died for those who will someday perish in their sins. How demeaning it is to the Savior to insist that He suffered the infinite wrath of God for some people who will themselves also suffer divine wrath. A just and righteous Judge could not punish any sinner whose sin debt has already been retired by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Scriptures teach that the design of the Lord from old eternity was the salvation of His people. In covenant grace, Christ assumed full responsibility for the spiritual indebtedness of those given to Him by the Father in the covenant of grace. According to the Word of God, the purpose of the Savior in His death has been realized. His sheep have been redeemed. “He obtained eternal redemption for us” (Hebrews 9:12). Christ bought His people with His blood and it is absurd to think that He would purchase some and then not have them with Him for all eternity. Universal redemption is a lie. It says that Christ died for all men without exception, but His blood is only effectual if the sinner adds his part, which is usually said to be faith. Such teaching makes salvation conditioned upon, not the blood and righteousness of Christ, but the belief of the sinner. Some who object to the truth of particular redemption say, “According to what you are preaching, there are some people in this world for whom the Lord Jesus did not die and that really bothers me.” I will tell you something infinitely worse. If what the universalists say is true (and it isn’t!) then there are myriads of people in hell whose sins have been made an end of, whose transgressions are finished, reconciliation has been made for their iniquity, and everlasting righteousness has been brought in for them by Messiah (Daniel 9:24). What a travesty of divine justice that would be! Sinners perishing in hell even though Christ redeemed them? There’s nothing righteous about that! Here is the simple and glorious truth: Christ died in the stead of His chosen people and fully satisfied divine justice for them. All that a holy God demanded for their salvation, the Savior entirely accomplished. His was a redemption that really redeemed, a reconciliation that actually reconciled, an atonement that fully atoned and a propitiation that completely satisfied divine justice. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
By the grace of God, my intention is to keep setting forth from this pulpit the very heart and soul of the gospel: substitution and satisfaction. Christ died in the stead of His people (substitution) and fulfilled every divine requirement for their salvation (satisfaction). The declaration of these truths will glorify the Lord, put the enemy to flight, feed the church of Christ and be used of the Spirit to gather the lost sheep into the fold of salvation. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
First Baptist Church 881 Van Dyke Road, P.O. Box 155, Almont, Michigan 48003 810-798-8888 Jim Byrd, Pastor
Sunday Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Television Broadcast over Cable Channel 97 in Almont, Imlay City and Dryden 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE
Wednesday: 7 p.m. Bible Study and Youth Groups
Pastor Byrd’s messages are accessible on, cassette and video tape, CD and DVD email: