July 4, 2010
Of Princeton, New Jersey MEETING LOCATION
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
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11:00 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
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Pennington, New Jersey 08534
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Leviticus 16:1-34
The day of atonement foreshadowed, in type, the sin-atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ for God's true Israel. The chapter begins "And the LORD spake unto Moses." In order for sinners to approach God in his Way, the LORD must speak into the heart he has made new. God teaches his children what he taught Moses. Before Adam sinned he lived in communion with God; but after he broke God's commandment, he and all mankind was separated from God. Now, God declares that no man can come to God except through the High Priest, once a year, not without blood. Christ is the High Priest. He offered one sacrifice for sin forever. He offered his own blood. God's wrath must be propitiated. Justice must be satisfied. Sin must be punished. The day of atonement looked forward to that one offering by which Christ Jesus accomplished full satisfaction for God's elect, making them fully, freely accepted of God in Christ forever.
The High Priest Was Chosen by the Lord (v3) Christ Jesus receives the preeminent glory in election (Isaiah 42:1-4.) Just as Aaron was chosen of God to represent a particular people, Christ Jesus was chosen of God to represent God's spiritual Israel. And just as Aaron did not take this honor to himself, so also Christ glorified not himself, but was chosen and called of God (Hebrews 5: 1-5; John 8: 54.) Those whom God calls in sovereign grace are made priests unto God. But if Christ glorified not himself to be made a High Priest then shall you and I glorify ourselves that we did something to make ourselves priests unto God? Every believer praises God who chose us, Christ the Son who made atonement and the Spirit of God who regenerated and called us (I Peter 2: 9.) Salvation is of the Lord.
The High Priest Wore Humble Garments (v4.) Aaron had very glorious garments but on this day he laid those aside and put on these humble garments. Christ Jesus is God. But when he came as our High Priest he took on the humble form of flesh, serving God for his people unto the death of the cross (2 Corinthians 8: 9; Philippians 2:5-11.)
The High Priest Was Personally Clean (vv4, 6) Aaron had to wash and make an offering for his sin so that when he entered before God he was ceremonially clean. This typified the holiness of Christ Jesus who was born of the Spirit. He was proven righteous under the law of God as the Representative of his people (Hebrews 7: 26-28.) Christ was personally, every wit, clean.
The High Priest Had to Enter the Presence of God with Blood (vv5-10.) At another time we will concentrate on only the offerings in greater detail. But know this, Christ Jesus is both our scapegoat upon whom the sins of his people were laid, who carried them away, and Christ is our sin offering. Our great High Priest, Christ Jesus, could not make his people one with God without shedding his own blood. The very heart of substitution is life for a life--the just for the unjust--for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. (Heb 9: 8-12.)
The High Priest Came With Incense (vv12, 13.) The acceptance of Christ as Mediator by God is pictured here. Christ Jesus is the ever burning fire who ever-lives to make intercession. His very presence is intercession on behalf of his people, that sweet-smell which God accepts always present before God (Romans 8:34.)
The High Priest Accomplished the Work Alone (v. 17). God entrusted the whole nation to one representative man. So it is that God entrusted the whole work of atonement for his entire people into the hands of Christ Jesus his Son (Hebrews 1: 3.) Faith trusts Christ to have already done all that is necessary to make you accepted of God forever (Read carefully Hebrews 8: 1, 2; 9:22-28; 10: 14-22.)
On that day of atonement there was a threefold command from God which shows us what God makes each of his redeemed willing to do when he reveals satisfaction has been made freely by Christ for them. 1: They repented – “Ye shall afflict your souls” (v. 29); 2. They rested – “Ye shall do no work at all” (v. 29); 3. They rejoiced--for they were one with God (v30.) Turn from yourself and believe on Christ. Take rest from all your vain works in the finished work of Christ the High Priest. And rejoice in God our Savior both now and for all eternity.
After clicking on the following links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page for the audio.
The Day of Atonement--High Priest (1)
The Day of Atonement--High Priest (2)
To the Twelve Tribes
Count the Various Trials Joy
Wait on the Lord
If Any Lack Wisdom
The Earthly and the Heavenly