We arrived safely in South Bend about 1:00 a.m Friday after a long trip - left our house at 3:00 a.m. on Thursday. We saw Dr. Terhune Friday afternoon, who reviewed the films and decided to do a laser treatment of the stone, and hopefully to be able to treat the left side stone as well. Then Liz developed shaking chills again Sunday morning, was restarted on antibiotics, but had more shaking chills, nausea and vomiting about noon lasting a good 3 hours. She was admitted to the St. Joseph hospital and is now on i.v. gentamycin and a third generation cephalosporin. She is looking a bit better after her first dose.
Our prayer is that she will respond well to the antibiotics and they will be able to proceed with the surgery on Tuesday. They will insert stents, and then within a few days remove the nephrostomy tube. Then finally the stents will come out, assuming all goes well. Please join us in prayer to that effect.