June 20, 2010
Of Princeton, New Jersey
Isaiah was sent with a warning through preaching that the LORD was about to harden those who would not use the means God had provided them. The problem was they were so busy walking in the sparks they had kindled that they were not present to hear the warning.
Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
Sunday 10:00 AM Bible Class
11:00 AM Morning Service
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
Be sure to bookmark our website for daily articles, sermon notes and audio messages
7 Birch Street
Pennington, New Jersey 08534
Phone: 615-513-4464
Email: clay@freegracemedia.com
(I John 4: 11.)
Last time, we saw in John 3: 16 the word "so" means "after this manner." First, God loves through the Holy Spirit rebirthing a sinner and through the proclamation of the gospel--in spirit and in truth (John 3: 3, 11.) Secondly, God loves through the Son of man the Mediator, through the righteousness of Christ satisfying justice as the Substitute for his people (John 3: 13, 14.) Thirdly, God loved through faith in his Son before the world began and he gives the gift of faith to each one he everlastingly loves so that we believe on his Son. In summation, God loves in a holy, righteous, everlasting, particular saving manner. This love is manifested in God sending his only begotten Son through whom these things are accomplished for, and in, his chosen people. This time, in 1 John 4: 11 we find the same word again with a word to every believer: “Beloved, if God so loved us [after this manner], we ought also to love one another.
Love in Spirit and in Truth (I John 4: 1-8.)
Those born of the Spirit of truth believe the same gospel of truth and love each other in spirit and in truth (1 John 2: 19-21.) Love which desires honor from men at the expense of truth is no love at all (John 3: 1, 2.) Nicodemus’ was highly esteemed among men—the kind of man we like honor from. He gave much honor in the things he said to Christ. But Nicodemus was saying Christ Jesus was a man sent of God like every other prophet and thus he was denying that Christ is the Son of God. The Lord would not compromise the gospel because of who Nicodemus was or because of the seemingly honorable things Nicodemus said about him, even under cover of darkness where no man would have known. Instead, the Lord declared the gospel to Nicodemus. (John 3: 10, 11.) It is our nature to desire all men to like us. But love does not compromise the gospel in favor of honor from men. Seeking honor from men is evidence that the love of God is not in us (John 5: 39-44; 2 John 1: 9-11.) Those born of God love the gospel which declares Christ is the Completion of each sinner given him from eternity--the believers All—Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption. The love of God within those born of God is in spirit and in truth. And those born of God love others who are born of God; those who are not born of God do not love those who are (I John 4: 7, 8; 13-15; 5: 1; 1 John 2: 19)
Love in Christ our Mediator and Righteous Substitute (1 John 4: 9, 10.)
God gave his Son who made satisfaction to him for his elect when his elect did not love God. Let us be satisfied with our brethren who are perfect in Christ. After this manner, ought we to love: if I am offended and think that I am in the right then I need to remember that Christ truly had done nothing wrong yet he suffered in my place (Galatians 6: 1-3; 1 Corinthians 6: 7; 1 John 3:16-19.) Love bears the burden of brethren in mercy and meekness even when they are offended at us. May this be our spirit: my brethren need me to assemble with them in the worship of Christ so I will lay down my life; my brethren need me to pray for them so I will lay down my life; my brethren need me to provide my temporal things for them so I will lay down my life; my brethren need me to love them back to Christ not claim my rights so I will lay down my life; my brethren need a word of grace not a condemning tongue so I will lay down my life. How we do fail, but let us each remember to love in mercy not judgment. Let us do all as did Christ, for the glory of God and the good of our brethren.
Love through Faith in God’s Son (1 John 5: 5, 14-16.)
God the Father entrusted our salvation into the hands of his Son and Christ Jesus accomplished the work. Let us love one another by entrusting our brethren to Christ. Christ Jesus is our faithful Advocate with the Father and he is able to make our brethren stand (I John 2: 1; Rom 14: 4.) Love one another, not by forcing our hand, but by asking Christ to restore life in our brethren.
What did we just see? God loved his elect after this manner through the Spirit through the gospel therefore let us love in spirit and in truth; God loves through Christ the Mediator, the Righteous Substitute therefore let us love our brethren in mercy, laying down our lives for one another as he did for us; God loves through faith in his Son therefore let us have every confidence that our God is able to make our brethren stand. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
After clicking on the following links you will go to sermon notes where you will find an option at the top of the page for the audio.
The Arkansas Flood
After This Manner We Ought to Love
God's Sovereignty and Use of Means
Determined Before
The Only Promise Keeper
Purpose of Despisers, Purpose of God
The Power of God
Some Did Not Believe
Laughing in Her Tents Door
In Famine
A Breaker of the Law
Why Did God Do It?
A Good Place to Rest and Raise our Young