There's about to be a big change with the Bible Baptist Church here in Naples. I have put several thousand Euros down on a building in the Lago Patria main street (greater Naples area), and we are moving from our present location in Casal di Principe. As many of you know the place where we were was a very bad location, and in the midst of the Naples Mafia (Comorro). We had to get out of there - it's hard to build a church when visitors cars are shot with a hand gun as they come to church - and things are greatly looking up. This past Sunday, right in the middle of the Morning service that I was preaching "Determined To Go To Hell" the Landlord (who we are pretty sure is Comorro/Mafia) interrupted the service so that he could be paid his rent money in cash; he always does that, he comes during the service. I believe he's on his way home from attending his catholic services; those Comorro are very religious, you know.
The new location is right next to the site for a large NATO base. There are many American military personnel who live near by as well, and the area is known and frequented by many American military personnel for the bases in this part of Italy. I think the new church building for the Bible Baptist Church of Naples will be great when it's finished. Presently the Landlord is making it serviceable so that we can begin services there by the end of the month.
One thing that we need much prayer for is air conditioning/heating units to be installed. The building has no windows that can be opened and it is designed for the use of a/c. I've just had an Italian company give me an estimate of several thousand Euros (1 Euro is about $1.25 at current exchange rates). To be honest with you, this is a big problem for us as we've already expended a major amount of finances, and haven't even made the physical move yet, which includes renting vehicles over several days that are large enough to make the move. This is a big deal, so any help from individuals or churches who would like to have a part in this would be greatly appreciated.
For Mother's Day we had a meal on the grounds, which went really well, but there was only one visitor who was a Navy Chief who had come up from Sicily for a couple weeks. I think I gave away eight rose bushes to the mothers and all the men provided the meal.
Many of our folks have temporarily gone, and Linda and I have been left in the midst of all this to make the decisions and organize the whole thing. This past Memorial Day there was only one other American in the whole church besides Linda and I. That is a first in all the years I have been a missionary. We had folks in Bahrain, on leave, or in the States With the exception of on American wife, the only ones in attendance were non Americans who are primarily from African nations. By the way, this past month we had two Africans trust in Christ for salvation, and both of them stood up and went to the front of the church where they gave a wonderful profession of faith in Christ before everyone there. They're definitely not ashamed of Christ! Many of our Africans have had a lot of Moslem influence, and find it a relief to have a loving God.
I had a call a couple days ago from an African man here in Lago Patria wanting to know when we will be moving because he has six other African families who want to attend the services here; those folks are all from Nigeria, I believe. These African refugees live on a mere pittance, and it's really heart rending to see what they have. One thing about it though, when they get saved they really soak up the Word of God!
Please be in prayer for us this month and next month especially. Pray for our move, that things will go smoothly, for plenty of workers and help. for the necessary finances, and for a giant increase in souls coming to Christ. That is for the church, but we have a personal matter that is imperative as well; I have finally received my Sojourno (permission to live here), but Linda's is still up in the air. We need things to fall into place by the end of the month of June, or Linda will have to leave the EU (European Union) to get her passport stamped in another country and we'll have to start all over again, so please make this a matter of prayer too.
God Bless you all, and thank you for having a part in this ministry, Chuck and Linda Truitt