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Prayer 5.2.2010
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Our Father, life is full of joy and tragedy. It is full of happiness and at the same time it is full of great sorrow. Bitter and sweet come in the same day. The creation brings forth it beauty, and yet we bury man in a grave of dust and ashes. The flower booms, and yet the snake craws in the grass. The sun shines when the heart may be full of darkness. Hope is deferred and it makes the heart sick. Sickness a man can endure, but who can bear a broken spirit. Lord, it is too much for us. We try to make sense out of it all, but sometimes it is just too mysterious.

How good it is to know that You are sovereign. You had a plan before the foundation of the world and that plan is being carried out in detail for a grand purpose too great for us to understand. Like children, we must listen to Your voice and trust that You know best. We see a few days into the future, but You look at eternity. We travel a few miles in a day, but You move into infinity. How could we understand? How can man understand the ways of such a great God?

Lord, we do take hope in the revealed word when it tells us that You love us greater than a man loves his own son. You love us with a love greater than the width of the sea and deeper than the deepest ocean. You will not break a bruised reed. You will not tempt us beyond what we are able to endure. You will put your angels around us to protect us. The host of heaven is our army. The power of God is our refuge. The mercy of God is our comfort in the midst of trial.

Lord, grant to us the faith to trust in Thee. We try to create our own world. We try control our own future. We try to control the outcome of our actions. We try to be gods. Lord, help us to rest in Thee, knowing that we really cannot control anything. We cannot command the sun to rise in the morning and we cannot command the moon to appear in the evening. We cannot control what a day will bring. Lord, the strength of a man is not iinwhat he can control, but in how he lives in a world which he cannot control.

Lord, the storm came against the man who had built his house on the sand, and lest we forget, it came too against the man who built his house upon a rock. We are not sheltered from the storm. We just have a rock in the midst of the storm. Moses spent his life enduring trials and trouble for the joy of entering the Promised Land. Yet, when the time came to cross the Jordan, God let him die on the mountain. He saw it, but He never reached it. Lord, when we see dreams come true, let us rejoice. When our hopes are fulfilled, may we shout with joy. Yet, when the tide seems to be against us and the seas roar like a lion, give us calm in the midst of the storm.

Lord, help us to love Jesus more and more. As we read of Him in Thy holy word, there is none like Him. He is perfect. He is without sin. He is full of love and compassion. He gave His live that we might live. He died for us that all our sins might be forgiven and that we might stand in the righteousness of God. He healed the sick and enabled the lame to walk. He gave sight to the blind and even raised the dead from the grave. Lord, there is none like Him. He was a perfect sacrifice that we might be saved from the curse of sin. He sits on the throne of God on High from which He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

Men on earth make promises they cannot keep. Even those we trust most can fail us. Our spouses can fail us. Our children can fail us, Yea, Jesus shall never fail us.

Lord, do not reject us. Do not be intolerant with us. Do not denigrate us. Lord, we need the love of Jesus like we need the breath we breathe. We need the love of Jesus like we need the eyes to see. Give us that love.

As we break the bread and drink the wine this morning, remind us of the hope we have. Unite us as one people and may that unity be evident to all. Call to our remembrance the words of Christ. Come and be one with us. May Thy Holy Spirit give us assurance and joy as we come into Thy presence this very day. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.

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