Our Father, forgive us when we have not truly believed in the power of prayer. Even though you have decreed whatsoever comes to pass, yet in some mysterious way, too great for us to understand, You have also decreed that those very things will only come to pass as we pray for them. Our very prayers are the instruments to carry out the sovereign will of God. If we do not pray it will not happen. If we pray it will happen. Whatsoever we ask, according to Thy will, it will come to pass. We do not have, because we do not ask. We do not have because we gave up. We were not persistent. We quit. Lord, help us to continue in prayer.Lord, we believe that by our prayers, people will change. Evil can be restrained. The wicked will be crushed. Even the direction of nations will be changed if we pray. Help us to pray individually, but help us to pray corporately. Surely when God's people gather together to pray, they unleash the very power of heaven. Mountains can be moved. Our wayward children will return. The advance of the kingdoms of man will come to an end. Thy churches will be filled. The hardest of hearts can be melted. All of this can happen because we pray. Lord, give us a heart to pray.
Lord, how can you refuse us when we ask in the name of Christ. When we point You to the work He has done and to His sacrifice on the cross, when we ask and petition You, how can You refuse us.
Lord, give us a Church full of converted sinners who have found life in Christ. Remove from us our cold and dead hearts. We have become lazy, indolent, slothful, listless, and lethargic in the things of God. We have put off religious duties until a crisis comes. We think we can make it without God. We rush around and we are busy, busy, and busy. We make time for less important things. We treat Thee like a flashlight. We put it away until we need it. Lord, forgive us.
Lord, give us a lively faith. Make us vibrant. Make us shout for joy. Give us exuberance, vigor, and enthusiasm. Forgive us if we have projected despair, and dejection. Our troubles are many, but great is our God. We are often perturbed. We are often bitter. We are often unsettled. But great is our God. Give us such faith that in the midst of the storm, that our feet are steady and our knees do not shake.
Lord, increase our faith. We are people of little faith. We need the grace of confidence in Thee and Thy will. You are worthy of our trust. Even though the Lord may slay us, yet will we trust in Thee. I have seen many sufferings. How it amazes me that Your people in the midst of the worst of life can still find your blessing all around them. Lord, only true and sanctifying faith can cause Your people to say "Blessed be the Lord" when the mountains are falling into the sea and the world is crashing in all around them.
Lord, we confess that you are Holy. How dare we trifle with Thee. How dare we consider trivial that which You consider holy. Give us a healthy view of Thy holiness that we might have a bountiful view of Thy mercy. The more we see a Holy God, the more we are driven to Christ. The more we see the demands of Thy law, the more we see the importance of the cross of Christ. Lord, give us a right view of Your sinless character so that we might find delight in the gracious work of Christ.
Our Father as we see the direction of our nation, sometimes we become obsessed with anger and frustration. It's not hard to see what is happening. It's not hard to understand where we are going. We rage inside and there seems to be no relief. We are constantly irritated. Sometimes we are close to being in a frenzy. Lord, remind us that You are on Your throne. Men may ignore Thee. Men may break You laws and get away with it. Men may claim to be saviors and promise to deliver us. Lord, that is the problem. We don't want men as saviors. We don't want the institutions of man to save us. We want Jesus to save us. True freedom is living in Him and living under His law. In Christ there is liberty in law and apart from Christ there is only bondage in law. The more laws of men apart from God's law, the more bondage. Give us freedom Lord.
Lord, help us to worship Thee in spirit and in truth. May the spirit take Thy word and stir up our hearts to be pleased that God in elevated in our minds here this morning. We ask all these things in Christ's Name. Amen.