"Knowing The Truth" with Pastor Kevin Boling is a live, call-in radio program providing Doctrinal Dialog, Cultural Commentary and Insightful Interviews with some of today's foremost Christian authors and leaders. On the first half of the program today, I will speak with Kevin DeYoung about his latest book, "The Good News We Almost Forgot - Rediscovering the Gospel in a 16th Century Catechism"
About "The Good News We Almost Forgot":
In The Good News We Almost Forgot Kevin DeYoung explores the Heidelberg Catechism and writes 52 brief chapters on what it has shown him. The Heidelberg is largely a commentary on the Apostle's Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer and the book deals with man's guilt, God's grace, and believers' gratitude. The result is a clear-headed, warm-hearted exploration of the faith, simple enough for young believers and deep enough for mature believers
Kevin DeYoung is senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan.
NOTE: During the program today, I will be giving away copies of "The Good News We Almost Forgot"
On the second half of the program today my guest will be Dr. Robert E. Kellemen.
Earlier this week (Monday and Tuesday) Bob participated in the Biblical Counseling Coalition Summit Meeting, so I will ask Bob to give us an report on the items discussed and at that meeting.
During the program Bob and I will also discuss two of his most recent books, "Soul Physicians" and "Spiritual Friends". Note: a sample chapter from each book is available in the eDocs section of this website.
About "Soul Physicians":
Want to change lives? Learn the remedy to secular psychology. Explore biblical answers to life's seven ultimate questions. Discover how to understand people, diagnose problems, and describe solutions-biblically. Everyone talks about "biblical counseling" and "spiritual friendship," but what makes biblical counseling truly biblical and what makes a friendship truly spiritual? In Soul Physicians you'll be equipped to change lives with Christ's changeless truth by speaking the truth in love-so your ministry has a truly biblical foundation with a truly loving application.
About "Spiritual Fiends":
Spiritual Friends is the remedy to "take two verses and call me in the morning." It helps you to help your friends. It's a biblically relevant training manual and a relationally practical workbook for relating God's truth to human relationships. Whether you're a loving lay person, a caring pastor, a competent professional Christian counselor, or a student-in-training, Spiritual Friends will equip you to master the personal ministry of the Word. Enrich your spiritual friendships with 1000s of illustrative interactions and 100s of skill-building exercises. Learn 22 relational competencies for sustaining, healing, reconciling, and guiding God's people.
Dr. Bob Kellemen is the Founder and CEO of RPM Ministries, Executive Director of the Association of Biblical Counselors' Center for Church Equipping, a book reviewer for Discerning Reader and he's also the Biblical Counseling and Pastoral Ministry reviewer for The Gospel Coalition
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