We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Mike Swales.
Pastor Mark Gladwell is preaching in Eastbourne.Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.00pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm -4.45pm Children's Hour - Children Rec to year 3
7.15am Prayer for revival
7.30pm Chapel open for craft preparation
9.30am Mum's and Tots
7.00pm - 8.00pm KIC club - Children in years 4 to 6
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Pete Wigley
7.45pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting - Led by Mark Higgins
7.30 FOY - For Secondary School Children
11.00am & 6.00pm Sunday Services - Eddie Porter AM Joe Long PM
Thought For The Week:
"And I said: "I pray, LORD God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night." Nehemiah 1:5-6
Prayer For The Church:
Please pray for all those involved in planning and preparations for HBC. Pray especially for Karen, Sarah and Daniel and Pastor as they prepare their talks.
Pray for Pete as he seeks employment.
Pray for CCIW camps as they begin preparations. Pray that the camps may have enough leaders for the camps to run effectively.
Pray for the Platts family as they attend the funeral of John Platts on Wednesday.
Pray for Joan and Michael following Michael's diagnosis with throat cancer.
Prayer For The Local Area:
"We continue to be blessed by God with good ministry and close fellowship. We thank our heavenly Father for His kindness to us in 2009 and for frequent reminders of how good and holy He is. Please pray for our ventures this year: a 2nd Holiday Club, continued Christianity Explored sessions, Open Air evangelism in the town high street, women's meetings and coffee mornings, and so on. Our concerns are for more workers to join the fellowship, for a Sunday School work to be established, and for the church to continue to grow in grace and stature before the Lord."
A Tribute
Some of the fellowship had the privilege of attending the thanksgiving service for Jessie Comber a former member of this church, who recently was called home at the age of 93. Before her death she composed a poem expressing her heart's desire for her loved ones. As Free Grace was always in her thoughts we feel she would have loved to also share this poem with you. May it challenge all our hearts.
"My body is dead and my soul has gone,
But there's no need for you to mourn,
For I am now with Christ on high,
In that home beyond the sky,
In the place prepared for me,
I'll live through all eternity.
It was because of His great love,
That Jesus left His home above,
He bled and died upon a tree,
To save poor sinners, just like me,
And now I ever with Him live,
And to Him endless praises give.
I prayed for you on earth below,
That you my Saviour too would know,
Will you join the host above,
Washed and clean in the Saviour's blood,
Or will it be your awful lot,
To hear God say "I know you not"?"
J.F. Comber 1916 - 2010
General Announcements:
Some dates
31st January - Mike Swales
4th February - Mark Higgins
7th February - am E.Porter pm Joe Long
9th February - Members' meeting
11th February - John Peet -"Questions Darwin asked "
15th - 17th February - H.B.C.
4th March - District Prayer Meeting at Belvedere
14th March - Barry King to speak at "Afterchurch"
16th March - Members' prayer meeting
18th March - Paul Davies - A.E.M. 2pm and 7.45p.m.
Good Friday - Bill Gardner