We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell.Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.00pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship at Paul and Janet's home.
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm -4.45pm Children's Hour - Children years r - 3
8.00pm Member's Prayer Meeting
9.30am Mum's and Tots
7.00pm - 8.00pm KIC club - Children in years 4 to 6
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Muriel Squires
7.45pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting - Led by Paul - Prayer focus FOY
7.00 FOY - For Secondary School Children
11.00pm & 6.00pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Thought For The Week:
"My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; 5 Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God." Proverbs 2:1-2 & 5
Prayer For The Church:
There is a lot to be planned and decided on in the next month for H.B.C. Praise God for the good number involved in the work and pray for these preparations that all may be subject to the mind of Christ. Pray especially for Karen, Philip and Pastor as they prepare their talks.
Pray for Pete as he seeks employment.
Praise God for encouraging news from Thamesmead.
Pray for the continuation of our youth work that God will guard these activities from any attack of the enemy and pour out His Spirit upon the Word.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Hemel Hempstead (Gadebridge)
We are planning a new outreach strategy making use of an evangelistic newspaper. Please pray for wisdom and for zeal and for fruitfulness. Several of our older members are struggling with health and their faithfulness in simply attending is a great example. Pray that God's glory would shine through as bodies wear out!
Last week marked the beginning of Home Missions year-long commitment to strengthen the church at Thamesmead. During the first three months of the year Barry King will preach nine Sunday mornings, lead nine Bible studies and prayer times, and conduct three special meetings with the church family. During the remainder of the year Barry and Nigel Hoad will continue to assist the fellowship as they prayerfully seek a pastor.
A work day with 20 people (from six different churches) participating was held last Saturday. Much by way of cleaning and decorating was accomplished. A skip was filled to overflowing! On Sunday Nigel led worship and Barry preached for the first time. There was a good response to the service as well as the special meeting after lunch.
Over the next few weeks they will be speaking with 16 people who expressed an interest either in baptism and/or church membership. A group of 12 persons will begin studying ‘Nine Marks of a Healthy Church' by Mark Dever this week. Even as we praise God for the progress seen so far please continue to pray for the work in Thamesmead in the days ahead.
Grace Baptist Partnership
A new charity aiming to "help churches plant churches" is being formed. David Chapman has been elected chairman of the trustees; Barry King has been appointed general secretary and Eric Cousins treasurer. Anyone desiring more information should contact gracebaptistpartnership@googlemail.com.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Mission Aviation Fellowship national staff is feared dead in Haiti One indigenous MAF worker is feared dead, and two are missing following the devastating Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti. None of the ministry's missionary staff in Haiti were injured, however, according to Ron Wismer, crisis team manager at MAF headquarters here. MAF is withdrawing its non-essential personnel and dependents from Haiti, Wismer said.
A team of key staff members will remain to coordinate relief efforts. MAF has sent ministry directors to Haiti to assess the needs and set up the ministry's response. MAF expects to work with other relief agencies as they begin providing disaster assistance. Disaster response is an area of expertise for MAF. After an initial needs assessment is completed, Wismer said the ministry will coordinate logistics and provide air transportation for aid agencies working within Haiti.
In times of disaster, MAF often takes government and relief officials on flights to survey and assess damage and develop a response plan. MAF has served the missionary community and the people of Haiti since 1986. Currently, seven MAF missionary families, seven national staff members, and three aircraft serve 16 airstrips from a base of operations in Port-au-Prince.
The hope of the Gospel doesn't go unnoticed by those who receive help. "They really understand the spiritual impact that ‘God must have sent you.' When the dust settles, people start to ask those questions, ‘Why did you do that?' then you have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with them."
General Announcements:
Members' Mtg
Please let Ken have in writing any matters for consideration by the church officers.
Mission Prayer Mtg Jan. 28th
Please let Ken have "bullet points" for prayer or praise for your link mission please - by Monday 25th January
Some dates
19th January - Members' prayer meeting
28th January - Mission prayer meeting
26th January - Elders' and deacons' mtg
31st January - Mike Swales
4th February - Mark Higgins
7th February - am E.Porter pm Joe Long
9th February - Members' meeting
11th February - John Peet -"Questions Darwin asked "
15th - 17th - February H.B.C.
4th March - District Prayer Meeting at Belvedere
14th March - Barry King to speak at "Afterchurch"
16th March - Members' prayer meeting
18th March - Paul Davies - A.E.M. 2pm and 7.45p.m.
Good Friday - Bill Gardner