One Branch of the Work of the Messiah was to make Reconciliation for Iniquity. And this he did by his Sufferings and Death. Having made Peace by the Blood of his Cross (Colossians 1:20). So that both Law and Justice are satisfied, and either hath any farther Demand to make. God as our righteous Judge is pacified towards us, for all that we have done: And there is no fury in him. It was not a procuring of Terms or Peace, that our Saviour died for us; but it was a making Peace. And Peace with God is a certain and immediate Effect of his Death, and, consequently, we are not obnoxious, to divine Wrath and Vengeance. Being justified by his Blood, we shall be saved from Wrath thro' him (Romans 5:9). The Chastisement of our Peace was upon him, and with his Stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). There is now no Threatening of Punishment to the Saints, for there is now no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus: And hereafter, Penalty will not be inflicted on them, because complete Atonement is made for all their Sins, by the penal Sufferings of their Surety in their Stead. His Death is a full Security to them, from all Condemnation. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died (Romans 8:34).)
John Brine - Preached July 19, 1747
Every time I read about, hear a sermon about, or think about what it is for a sinner such as myself to be justified before the Holy God, I say to myself, "That is the greatest thing in the universe, the greatest message I have ever heard or expect to hear." There is nothing that gives me hope, increases my faith, or motivates me toward my God like that blessed Good News. The thought of God choosing me, becoming a man, living under His own law in perfect obedience to establish righteousness as a man and imputing that righteousness to me -- oh, the wisdom and grace of God! The thought of Him dying on the cross at the hand of His own wrath to satisfy His justice for me and then revealing all this to me by His Spirit through the Gospel of His grace in Christ -- it is unbelievable -- too good to be true! But it is true, I do believe it and I do rejoice in it! Before God, in Christ, I am just like Christ! What amazing grace!
--- Pastor Gary Shepard
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:" (Mt. 6:19-20)
No matter how much we accumulate of material goods and money in this life, no matter how much we gain of fame and recognition, they will either eventually leave us or we will leave them in death. Either way, it is loss. Our only hope is to seek, find, and store for ourselves "treasures in heaven." How do we do this? Is it by seeking to work our way into heaven or earn the blessings of heaven by our works? NO. The way we do this is to seek, find, store our whole selves up in the Lord Jesus Christ, "in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col. 2:3). Real eternal and incorruptible treasure is found in a glorious Person (Christ) not in the things of this world. All who are in Him possess "an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you," (1 Pet. 1:4). It is a treasure and inheritance that includes the forgiveness of all our sins by His precious blood, an everlasting righteousness of infinite value whereby sinners can be eternally justified before God, have eternal and spiritual life from God whereby we are given true knowledge that leads us to believe and rest in Christ for all salvation. This precious treasure may bring the criticism and even hatred of the world upon us, but Moses esteemed "the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt" (Heb. 11:26). Moses knew that the treasures in Egypt would eventually perish, but the sinner saved by God's grace in Christ will never perish and neither will all he possesses in Christ.