Some have asked me why I do the Family Bible Study Guides. I have been writing these little study guides since I was 12 years old. This morning, I found a Study Guide I wrote for the book of Romans in 1977 for our family devotions in Karatsu, Japan. What follows is the content:
May 30, 1977
Romans 1:16-17
Paul here follows up what he had just said of his readiness to preach the Gospel at Rome, by declaring that he was not ashamed of it. He knew from personal experience the opposition which the gospel everywhere encountered. By the pagans it was branded Atheism; and by the Jews it was abhorred as subverting the law and tending to licentiousness; while both the Jews and Gentiles united in denouncing the Christians as disturbers of the public peace, who in their pride and presumption, separated themselves from the rest of mankind. Besides, a crucified Savior was to the one a stumbling-block, and to the other foolishness (1 Cor. 1:23).
Even they who have tasted of the grace of God, are liable to experience, and often to yield to the deeply-rooted and sinful feeling of being ashamed of the things of God. . .
So 33 years later, I’m still at it. My first Proverbs Family Bible Study Guide is slated for publication in February of 2010.