Dear Praying Friends:Happy Thanksgiving! We have a number of special things to be thankful for - some are real answers to prayer - your prayers.
First, I have asked you to pray about the DVD's. I finally found a system that allows me to record directly and with some simple manipulations, to burn a DVD. Thus the mac computer works. For those who are interested, I take the lessons which are already on PowerPoint and simply import them into a mac program called Keynote. When I tried to record audio directly in Powerpoint for the full two hour program, there were always problems. However, with the Keynote, I can record directly into Keynote, then export the program as a Quick Movie, and import the Quick movie into another mac program iDVD and burn the DVD. Thus far, it is working OK. I am planning to continue to work in the programs to get more adept at making things a bit nicer, and then eventually perhaps put the Quick movie into Final Cut express before burning in iDVD to make it a bit more professional - but this system does already work, praise the Lord. I am most relieved that we have a system which is now functional.
Secondly, we had a surprise this week. We had a three year contract for our house, which is also the mission guest house in the city, my office, radio & TV studio, etc. The contract had expired last July. If the landlord does not contact us, the contract is automatically extended for a year. However, the landlord, who lives in Holland, (actually through his relative who has power of attorney) contacted us last week about a new 3 year contract at the same price (which is way under what you would normally pay for this facility), and we signed this week. So no worries about having to move in the near future!
Third, we have had better participation in both Bible Institutes. It looks like we will have about 11-12 in the regular Bible Institute and a few by correspondence, and about 25-27 in the advanced Bible Institute, and a few also by correspondence. Actually 4 students are from a sister Baptist church, with three of the four already completing the basic course. One of them is a former Muslim and has a congregation of about 50 former muslims. We are pleased and grateful for the Lord's blessing.
Fourth, it looks like we are seeing major progress on the New Testament Commentary in Sranantongo. First Bible is printing it for us with no charge for labor! Please join us in praying for the details of the printing schedule.
Interesting soulwinning last week: Liz and I often go soulwinning together. I had two interesting conversations with adult men last week. The first is a Saramaccan man probably about 50-60. He understood the plan of salvation very clearly, and also the cost that would be involved in getting saved. His daughter has just been coming for a few weeks. He was not ready to make a decision, but I believe that any decision which he will make will be a clear one with understanding. The second man is perhaps slightly younger, and also clearly understood. In contrast, he not only understood but prayed his own prayer asking the Lord to forgive his sins and save him. It was great to see him in church Sunday morning - I think for the second or third time.
Thanksgiving: The entire team in Suriname met for Thanksgiving at Ethan & Kim's house yesterday. David and Lynn drove up to Moengo for the day. We drove up and stayed overnight. Darrell and Louise Champlin, of course, have their apartment now in Moengo and were also present. Anne Dreisbach is overseas and Jonathan and Sherrie Champlin are in the USA. It is a joy to see how the grandchildren are growing not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually!
Our sincere sympathy: Dr. John Dreisbach, a legend as a missionary surgeon and preacher in Africa, and father of Anne Dreisbach, who has been a part of the Suriname team for nearly 30 years, went to be with the Lord this week. Dr. Dreisbach has had a number of medical problems including acute leukemia. A great warrior has gone to his reward.
Tract strikes the heart: We try to be faithful in distributing tracts - usually Sranantongo or Dutch, but also English and Chinese. A new guard was at the American Cooperative School so Liz gave him a Sranantongo copy of This is Your Life (Disi de Joe Libi). A few days later she saw him, gave him a copy for his friend who was present, and asked him if he had read it. "Yes" he said. "It was scary." "Only if you don't accept Jesus as your savior" Liz replied. Liz admonished him to seriously consider his relationship with the Lord.
Special prayer request: Tomorrow the leadership at the main church will be discussing, among other things, my request to concentrate on rotating through all 4 churches, and to stop also working as the senior pastor of the main church. As I have mentioned before, this seems appropriate as the churches will be going independent soon. Pray for the Lord's direction in this entire move, as that is what we want.
Prayer requests:
- Our own spiritual growth
- Health and strength for the work
- Safety especially driving - the mortality rate driving in Suriname is 5 times that of Holland
- Our churches growth spiritually and numerically
- Church independence
- My request for altering my schedule and responsibility at the main church
- Souls saved and discipled
- Our various training programs - radio, TV, Bible Institutes
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname