Anytime a preacher’s methods change, you can be sure his message has changed.
I am scheduled to preach Tuesday and Wednesday for the SOVEREIGN GRACE FELLOWSHIP in Wasilla, Alaska. Bro. Larry Criss will preach here Tuesday night.
Christ Made Sin — Don Fortner (Tune: #52 — Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned CM)
Th’ enormous load of all my guilt Was on my Savior laid, When He, Who knew and did no sin, For sinners, sin was made!
“Awake, O sword,” in furious wrath, Jehovah cried; and He, (The Lamb of God, my Substitute), Was sacrificed for me!
In that same way, by grace and truth, My ransomed soul is made “The righteousness of God in Him,” And I from sin am freed!
This wondrous mystery of grace! — Salvation, full and free, Shall be the subject of my songs Throughout eternity!
Identification by Association
Several years ago I was informed, after preaching in a local church in California, that a couple from the local nudist colony had come to hear me preach. While present, the man asked the pastor if he would come to their nudist colony to preach. The pastor asked me, “Should I go? Those people need to hear the gospel, too. Don’t they?” I said to my friend, “The only reason they want you to come preach is so that they can identify you with them. Were you to go there, your presence would be seen as your implied approval of their evil.”
Some men foolishly engage in religious activity, preaching with men they know to be evil, justifying their actions by saying, “I’ll go anywhere to preach the gospel.” But constant association with known evil is willing identification with and approval of the evil.
“If by love they mean…”
I do and am constantly maintaining both privately and publicly as far as ever the Lord has enabled me the wonders, the glories, the beauties and the preciousness of love. And yet I must be branded as being a man that is an enemy to love. But if by love, these people who brand me as an enemy of love mean that I ought to unite with Arians and Socinians who deny the deity of my Lord and Saviour whom I proved again in my very soul that he is the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace,— if by love they mean that I ought to meet and unite occasionally with people that can testify and say without a blush that election is a damnable doctrine and they hate it with their hearts, that imputed righteousness is imputed nonsense and a doctrine that ought to be abhorred and spurned by all which is the very garment and covering that hides all my shame, the very robe that adorns my naked soul and so very many times has been the joy and rejoicing of my heart and which I have found to be so many times the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. — If they mean by love that I ought to unite with people that can say and testify that we may be a child of God one day and a child of the devil another, that Christ died and atoned for the sins of Esau, as well as of Jacob, for Cain as well as Abel, for Judas as well as for Peter, and that there are thousands in hell for whom Christ died. — If they mean by love that I ought to unite and call these brethren who profess to believe in the doctrine of grace and call themselves Calvinists, but can declare at times that those blessed doctrines which are so precious and glorious to my soul are nonessential things. That is, if I understand their meaning right, they view them as useless things and that it is of no consequence whatsoever whether we receive or believe these doctrines or not provided we do but unite with all sorts and pray for all and be candid and mild and esteem all as partakers of grace, — I confess from my heart if all this be love I am destitute of it. And instead of being grieved for my want of it, I glory in it.
I do not indeed feel the least ill-will against any of their persons, as the creatures of God, nor do I desire to do them the least injury, but those principles that debase free and sovereign grace, and exalt the creature, I hate and abhor. For how can two walk together except they be agreed? My soul has bought truth too dearly to part with it for such empty baubles as the praises and smiles of men; and those professors that love the smiles of men more than the truth of God, they are heartily welcome to them. I do not begrudge them. But notwithstanding all that ever these reporters could report, God stood by me, a poor worm, and gave such testimony to the word of grace, that neither men nor devils could overthrow it. I believe they tried with all their might to do so; but God hath said it, and I know it will stand, for I have proved it again and again: — “My word shall go forth; it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I have sent it; it shall not return unto me void.” John Warburton (1776-1857)
Christ Made Sin For Us 2 Corinthians 5:21
In order to save me, the Lord Jesus Christ was made to be sin for me. The Son of God voluntarily took upon himself that horrible, ugly, vile, ignominious thing which he most hates — sin. O my soul, be forever astonished! The God-man became sin for me, that I might be made the righteousness of God in him!
A Door Opened for Sinners
When he was made to be sin for me, my sins were imputed to him; he was treated as the obnoxious thing itself and suffered all the wrath of God due to me for my sin. The Father forsook him. Justice was executed upon him. And when the infinite justice of God had spent itself upon the sinners’ Substitute, a door was opened in heaven for sinners, whereby we may draw near to God (Hebrews 10:19-23).
“For Us”
Christ was made to be sin “for us.” That little word, “us,” is very important. Every time the Bible sets forth the glorious, gospel doctrine of substitutionary redemption, every time the Word of God explains the meaning of Christ’s death and the atonement he made for sinners at Calvary, it speaks of his work as something done for a specific people, by which he accomplished the eternal redemption and secured the everlasting salvation of a specific people called “us.” The Son of God was made to be sin for and redeemed “us.” – “Us” whom he came to save (Matthew 1:21. – “Us” his church and espoused bride (Ephesians 5:25-27). – “Us” for whom he prays (John 17:9, 20). – “Us” who are the elect of God (Ephesians 1:3-6). – “Us” who come to God by him (Hebrews 7:25). – “Us” who, walking in the light of the gospel, believe on him (1 John 1:7, 9).
Like all the other blessings of grace, redemption is for God’s elect alone. If Christ were Surety and Substitute for all men, then all men must be saved. Had he paid the debt of all men, then none could ever suffer the wrath of God for sin. Justice would not allow it. But that he did not do. Jesus Christ died for us. He died for me, and paid my debt in full. How I rejoice to know that I shall, therefore, never be called to account for myself.
“Payment God cannot twice demand, First at my bleeding Surety’s hand, And then again at mine!”
Security In Christ
I know that Christ died for me because I trust him. My faith (the gift of his Spirit) in him is the result of his death for me (Gal. 3:13-14). Oh, how the Son of God must love me (1 John 4:9-10). Oh, how I ought to love him! Now in him I am absolutely safe and secure. Christ has magnified the law and made it honorable for me. He has put away my sin. This sinner, for whom the Son of God was made to be sin, can never be charged with sin again (Rom 4:8; 8:34).
“He bore that I might never bear The Father’s righteous ire!”
In him, God is both just and the Justifier of this sinner, who believes on his Son (Rom. 3:24-26).
September 13, 2009
GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH of DANVILLE 2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438 Telephone (859) 236-8235 - E-Mail
Donald S. Fortner, Pastor
Schedule of Regular Services
Sunday 10:00 A.M. Bible Classes 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service