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Patton Prayer Update
TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2009
Posted by: Fairhaven Baptist Church and College | more..
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Dear Praying Friends:

The wonders of technology: Yesterday, our oldest granddaughter Mindi Ramsey was married. That's right, it was on Monday morning. The bride was beautiful. The groom was both proud and nervous. The weather was perfect. The bride and groom wanted a small family wedding in a chapel in Chicago, and then had the reception at our daughter Becky and Ernie's home in Griffith, Indiana. Everyone at the wedding came to the reception, and had a good time eating as well as visiting. So our congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. J.O. Anderson. They will be taking a week's honeymoon in a trailer in Kentucky before returning to Chicago. J.O. is finishing college and working in maintenance. Mindi is working as a physical fitness trainer in a retirement home after having finished her college degree.

We were sorry not to be able to attend since we are here in Suriname. But within a few hours, we had over 80 pictures of the wedding in our computer! How we are spoiled. The "old time" missionaries would not hear from family sometimes for weeks or months. It was still weeks delay when we arrived in 1986. We thank the Lord for better communications now. And with Skype, it is possible to talk via computer for a reasonable price even from Suriname!

Technology problem: However, we would ask for prayer. We are being continually blocked by comcast although we have reported to them, and also to our server here. It is annoying as most of our family is on comcast, and a number of churches as well. We have our quarterly mission letter to e-mail out, but have been waiting to see if we can get the block lifted.

A neat delivery: Liz went to the Post office for a package today, and then walked to Koyeba, our Bush-Negro broadcasting station not too far away. She dropped off two CD's in mp3 format for our 15 minute and 30 minute broadcasts while we will be on mini-furlough in the USA. She gave them to a young lady who it turns out had come to our main church when younger. She called her mother to receive the CDs. As Liz talked with her and gave her a tract and a New Testament, she was delighted to receive them, especially the New Testament. Liz then presented the gospel to her. No one came into the office to disturb them, and the lady not only understood, but she prayed herself to receive the Lord. We pray that she will start attending church soon.

Sunday services: I preached on what the Bible teaches us about church organization and responsibilities. I had had excellent calling on Saturday, with two men making professions, and had hoped to see them on Sunday. They did not come, but one of our new ladies who has been coming faithfully brought her husband, who made a profession with one of our young preachers right after the service.

Independence steps: We completed an important step in our statutes last Saturday, but it is apparent that we will not have time to complete the necessary steps to incorporate the statutes, print them, and present them to the congregation before our departure August 4th. I would be happy to see the church continue the work in our absence and send the necessary paperwork to the government, but we will see if they are willing when we are absent.

Commentary: After completing the translation of the Bible, I wrote commentaries and printed them loose leaf. Now we are working on having them professionally printed some 10 years later. I have been revising the New Testament. I am glad for the opportunity to do so. There were a number of errors in the comments that needed to be corrected, as well as some typos. So far, I have completed to the end of 1 Corinthians. I would like to put introductions in before each book as well. Target date for completion is the end of July. Then the information will be in the hands of Liz's sister, Joanna Tsuyuki, who will do the typesetting.

Prayer requests:

  1. Our own spiritual growth and prayer life
  2. Strength and health for the tasks to which the Lord has called us
  3. Wisdom to know exactly how best to use our time for maximum results for Him
  4. Souls saved and discipled
  5. Growth in all the churches
  6. One of our preachers really needs a better paying job. He has applied many places. Could you join us in prayer for a solution to his need?
  7. Independence of the churches
  8. Completion of the commentaries
  9. Completion of the two Bible Institutes. They have final exams next week.
  10. Comcast to remove its block on our server

In Him and Content:
Bob and Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname

Category:  Pattons in Suriname

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