We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell. Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.00pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship at Mike & Rosemary's home.
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm - 4.45pm Monday Club
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4,5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Paul Davies A.E.M.
7.45pm Mission Meeting - A.E.M Speaker: Paul Davies
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
9.30am Open Air
11.00am & 6.00pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Thought For The Week:
"By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us." 1 John 3 v 16
Prayer For The Church:
Thank God for all the contacts made at the BBQ yesterday.
Pray for Sarah, Mona.
Pray that God may bless the summer camps with a full camp of campers. There are potentially 20 more spaces available on each.
Thank God for answered prayer for the youth event Friday; for the good numbers attending, for the activities, but above all for the help given to Jon in bringing a clear evangelistic challenge in the epilogue.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Kings Langley
‘Please pray: That three new children attending our Sunday School will receive blessing from the teaching; for their parents - contacted through the door to door visitation in March and for our outreach at our monthly coffee mornings and the book table in the High Street and at the Carnival on Saturday 20th June. Give thanks for our 175th Anniversary service on Saturday 4th July and for another year of rich blessing to the Church and also for 12 young folk attending the Youth Club and who hear the Gospel every week.'
The church at Chingford have called Tony Keating to its next Pastor. Robert Read lays down the pastorate there on the 4th July and Tony Keating takes up his new responsibility on the 5th July. Please pray for Robert and Jackie Read as they seek a new ministry and Tony and Christine Keating in their new ministries.
Could your church send a couple to work alongside John and Sandra Mcillmurray in Bexleyheath for two years? Please consider and please pray.
Borough Green
The church at Borough Green is celebrating its Bicentenary this year. The celebrations on 4th July include a historical talk by Norman Hopkins on ‘Borough Green & Baptists in Kent' at 4.00 pm and a Bicentenary Thanksgiving Service at 6.30 pm. Tea will be served between the meetings. All are invited.
Bible Readings:
14th Isaiah 46:1-13; 2 Corinthians 13:1-14
15th Isaiah 47:1-15; Galatians 1:1-10
16th Isaiah 48:1-22; Galatians 1:11-24
17th Psalm 105; Galatians 2:1-10
18th Isaiah 49:1-26; Galatians 2:11-21
19th Isaiah 50:1-11; Galatians 3:1-14
20th Isaiah 51:1-23; Galatians 3:15-4:7
21st Isaiah 52:1-53:12; Galatians 4:8-31
General Announcements:
Fitness Club - Monday at 7.30pm
Members' Meeting
June 23rd
It has been a busy week in our Master's service. As we thank Him for His enabling grace it is also right that we record our appreciation of the joyful and willing service of all the fellowship. Particularly we thank God for helping Mark this week in the ministry of the Word.