Jim Elliff will speak six times at LBC with an additional six workshops by SGBA pastors.
The Conference starts Monday evening at 8:00 PM and ends Thursday noon. Cost is $10.00 per individual.
Behind the Smile: The Inner Battles of the Christian Discouragement, worry, pride and debilitating bitterness are the enemies of passion and effective ministry for Christ. All Christians face these inner issues at some time or another. They meet us behind the smiling face we project to others. And when we are not battling them ourselves, we can be sure other Christians are. Jim Elliff will attempt to help us face these persistent adversaries in a biblical and practical way and will point the way to restore our passion for the glory of Christ.
Jim Elliff is an author and worldwide conference speaker. He is founder and president of Christian Communicators Worldwide. He has a great love for the local church. In 1996 Jim was instrumental in planting a new church in the Kansas City northland area. Though traveling extensively, he serves as counsel to the elders in this exciting new work. Jim also has started a Kansas City pastor’s fraternal and helps coordinate various activities through this fellowship of cooperating churches, including the Evenings of Reformed Preaching held at the historic Park University chapel.