Lately, God has been giving the church some good people. Abraham, the lawyer who has recently been attending our church with his family, asked a question during a question and answer time in the Thursday night teaching. He asked how somebody knows if they are called to be a missionary. I do not know if he is called or not, but it is obvious that God is speaking to him about serving Him. He has really been getting excited about the church. He also said he wants to get baptized.
Also, the new extended family that started attending two Thursdays ago are coming to all the services and the man and wife, Gernaro and Nancy, want to get baptized. They, with his parents, have been attending a cell church with no name for eight years. Helen belonged to the same group, but a different cell church for twenty years. It is the kind were they meet in someone's house. They preach the gospel and have some sound teaching, but no standards. In fact, after years of teaching that there should be no music in the church, the different cells had a big get-together at a convention center and had "Christian" worldly music there. That turned off this family and they started looking for another church.
Nancy and Gernaro and their parents took the message on soulwinning on Sunday well and Nancy won her dad and relative to the Lord the next day. All four were out passing our Kid's day flyers out the last two days along with several others. In fact, the most we have passed out in this church are 5,000. But Tuesday morning, we had passed out the 5,000 and are now getting 2,000 more done. I'm afraid to do more than that because I don't think we can fit more than 200 where we are at.
Gernaro went out knocking doors with me for the first time in his life. He and his wife have witnessed to people before and have led people to the Lord, but not knocking doors. He at first just listened, but when he had opportunity to talk to people in the street, he boldly spoke with a good grasp of the Scriptures from memory. It seems like God is answering our prayer for laborers to enter the harvest.
Please pray for our church and its spiritual growth. We continue to have good attendances in all the services. Thursday nights have picked up. Please pray for our Spring push that ends on May 24. It begins this Sunday with Kid's Day. We expect up to 120 adults and 90 kids, most of whom will be first-time visitors. Please pray for God's power.