Hello from Kenya,It rained three days last week and we were beginning to think that the rainy season was upon us but unfortunately as quick as the rain started it ended. We have now gone another week without rain. In normal circumstances many would have already planted their crops.
I have just about finished getting all of the material ready for the Bible College that will be meeting next week. We again look forward to a good turnout of men and women from many places in Kenya. Wendy will for the first time begin teaching classes with the ladies during this term and I am sure she would appreciate your prayers.
We have now finished four months in our missions giving year at the Grace Bible Baptist Church. We started the Faith Promise Missions program almost ten years ago desiring to see the Kenyans do their part to reach people all over the world with the gospel. I was told by some not to waste my time as the people were just to poor to give to missions, they would never even be able to pay a pastor so why expect them to have something to give to missions. Those were not very encouraging words to a new missionary that had come to Kenya believing God could do a work amongst these people.
Maybe I was just a little stubborn or maybe some of the things I have been taught through the years just could not be ignored. We started a missions program and yes it began slow but year after year the people gave a little more and their faith began to grow. As the missions offering grew so did the tithes enabling the church to do more. About three years ago some people really began to understand Faith Promise Giving and the missions program really began to accelerate. The excitement of giving to missions began to spread to more and more people. They began giving in a way that it humbled me at their sacrifice.
During these first four months of this missions year the giving has abounded. Each month they have given more then the month before. The missions goal was set at 190,000/- (about $3,000) or a little more than 15,000/- (about $250) a month. So far this year they have averaged 23,000/- a month a pace that will put them at over 270,000/- (Over $4000) for the year. The economy is bad here like it is all over the world but they have not allowed that to keep them from giving their money to missions. This last month the total missions and tithes were over $1,000. Now that may not sound like much by American standards but imagine how much it is to the average Kenyan who lives on $350 in one YEAR.
It really goes without saying but of course the regular giving has grown right along with the missions giving. I was told ten years ago that I should not expect the people here to ever be able to take care of their pastor. I am glad God is bigger and much more powerful then human reasoning. Not only are they paying a national pastor a full time salary they are also paying two other pastors a full time salary. Yes three Kenyan men paid a fulltime salary entirely by the giving of one Kenyan church.
We are rejoicing in God's goodness. It is only God that can so thoroughly change the lives of people. If God can do this in one church we know He can do it in churches all over Kenya and Africa.
We continue to schedule meetings for our furlough from this October-March. We appreciate those who have contacted us about reporting to your church. God has brought us and our people through the fiery furnace this past year and it has gone a long way in purifying us all for His work. We would love to share with you how out of the ashes of the election violence God has matured a people to do a work for Him.
If you would like us to come by your church sometime during the months of October 09- March 10 and give a report and/or present the mission field of Kenya then please send me an email at rawtokenya@gmail.com We would love to hear from you.
Thank you again for your prayers on behalf of the Mickey family and the people of Kenya,
His for Kenya,
Robert Mickey Jr. and family