Greetings in Jesus' Name from my home in Herrieden, Germany,I'm just sitting here in my office this blustery, and very cool Monday morning having a cuppa from my coffee maker, and praising the Lord for His blessings to me, and Linda.
I just took another sip, and remembered that this particular Dark Roast Senseo Coffee was just sent to me from a retired Naval Chief Petty Officer (who now prays for and helps support us monthly as missionaries). He lives in the Atlanta area, and serves The Lord in a fine church there. I used to witness of Jesus Christ to that man regularly when he was a 2nd or 1st Class Petty Officer - and an alcoholic - back many years ago, 1978-1979 on Okinawa, when I was a Gunnery Sergeant.
Linda is over on the Katterbach, Army Base right now as I write this. She's comforting an Army wife who just lost a baby due to a Tubal Pregnancy. Linda and I were dealing with here in the German Hospital this past Friday evening, but Linda and another lady from our church are with here right now as she is now home in her quarters on base. Linda and I visited her and her husband about six weeks ago for the first time on base and they both received Christ as their personal Savior. Friday evening I was truly impressed with the girl as she was praising The Lord for His blessings, and comfort to her. She said that just a few short weeks ago she would have been falsely accusing Him for letting this happen to her, but now she is praising God through it all! (I am reminded of Job 1:22, and 13:15).
We had very good services at the church yesterday! I believe there were over fifty folks present for the Sunday morning service where I preached "Christ Is The Answer To Ten Thousand Questions." For Sunday School I taught on "Jesus - God In The Flesh," and the Sunday evening sermon was "Peter, One Of The Twelve."
Please be in prayer for us as we will be showing the movie "Fireproof" this Friday evening the 27th and 7:00pm. We've advertised and given an open invitation to families on the base here. Pray that it will make a positive Christian impact on many of our military families who are in trouble.
Don't forget to check out our new church webpage, Kevin Byers has done a great job of putting it together for us,
In Christ's Service, Chuck and Linda Truitt