Thanks for your faithful prayer support. We do see victories here as we work and pray together with you. This weekend we had the joy of seeing an additional four persons baptized. I was particularly delighted to see the husband of a lady who was baptized come to church, albeit near the end of the service. This worked out fine, as we have a separate baptismal service at the end of our regular service, so he arrived in time to see his wife baptized. Kenneth Pinas, one of our preachers, spent a long time talking with him afterwards. Apparently he had been saved already, but not attending church. We pray that he will plug in.. I will include a couple pictures:
Liz and I went to the home of a young lady who was baptized last week. Her aunt had expressed interest in hearing about salvation one week ago, but asked us to return. She was not present, but we had the opportunity to see two young teenage boys pray to receive Christ. Afterwards, we visited another family who had missed a few weeks of church to encourage them. We then stopped to see a lady who had attended our church as a young child when we began 22 years ago. We had often taken her home from church along with three sisters. To our delight, her husband was wide open to the gospel. I had spoken to him about a year ago, but he had not been as receptive. Today he seemed eager to accept the Lord. Those soulwinning times are a great blessing.
Also, a lady stopped Liz as we were walking between visits. She had come to our church many years ago, but since had received Christ along with a number of her family. We have seen a real change in the number of Bush Negroes saved during our 23 years here, not only through our church but other churches as well. Still the majority are bound by satan, and we long to see a true revival break out.
Still DVD problems: Jonathan Champlin stopped here on Saturday to help with our DVD recording problems, but we still have not really solved the problem of a reliable way to make DVD's. Please continue to pray with us. I struggled today also with setting up a database form for the Bible Institute, which promply disappeared into cyberspace. Technology is great when you can use it effectively, but can demand a lot of time and effort too.
Where is God? Two young women in our church are struggling with problems which continue to plague them. Both ask: "where is God?" In both cases, they believe that they have tried to serve the Lord with their entire heart. One has really lost heart, and the other continues in her faith, but with difficulty. I will be preaching on Psalm 73 this Sunday, where the psalmist struggles with the fact that life is not always "fair" from the human point of view. Please join us in prayer for these ladies to emerge victorious.
Prayer requests:
Strength and health for the work
Our continued spiritual growth. We continue to pray for true revival.
The items listed above, including the two ladies struggling with their faith.
Growth spiritually as well as numerically in our people
Progress toward independence. We have several questions which we will address in the leadership tomorrow night.
Solving some of the technical problems.
In Him and Content: Bob and Liz Patton Missionaries to Suriname