Traditionally in Suriname, housewives have their "spring cleaning" before Christmas. Teams of believers have cleaned up the church grounds and washed the inside of the building. In the main church, a team of young men on high ladders cleaned the white ceiling before putting up Christmas decorations. And our landlord hired a team to "wash" our house with high powered hoses before deciding whether or not to paint the house. With water leaking into the house, it is taking two days to clean up from the washing.
Several of the religious groups here "clean themselves" from sin. New years eve the Bush Negroes and many others wash with a variety of leaves and flowers, trying to remove the sins of last year, and to enter the new year "cleansed from sin." As many as 1000 persons gather near the presidential palace on December 31st to wash in specially prepared and blessed water. The Hindus here have a special place beside the Suriname river to wash, similar to those who wash in the sacred rivers of India. Mankind recognizes that he is a sinner, and needs cleansing.
And yet only "the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7c "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood" Revelation 1:5c Please pray that we will be able to clearly present the true gospel, and that many will find true freedom through Christ's payment for our sins on the cross of Calvary, and experience cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Follow-up service: Last night God answered your prayers and ours in the service six weeks after the wife of a believer had died. I prayed that a number of family members would come, and that the gospel would be clearly presented. Both occurred. I would estimate about 25 family members attending, most of whom were unsaved. Brother John Naingie gave one of the clearest gospel messages I have heard preached here in Suriname using 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 as his text. People listened attentively. We pray that the word will effect their hearts. We passed out Sranantongo New Testaments to each visitor. Thanks for praying.
Baking: Liz opened the "Patton bakery" again. She is busy baking banana bread and cookies to take around to a number of businesses and friends here in Paramaribo - with an opportunity to share the gospel as well.
Prayer requests:
Pray for special services, that hearts will be reached with the gospel, and the saints build up and drawn together
Pray for safety on the road. There have been many deaths here. Last week, a couple were both killed while riding a motor scooter when struck by an illegal driver riding recklessly. Accidents occur daily.
Our spiritual growth
Strength and health for the work
The power of the Holy Spirit to be evident in the ministry