Thank you for praying for our fall campaign's second Sunday. We were praying for an attendance of at least 80 until we started getting good responses while visiting on Friday and Saturday. I had mentioned to our men on Thursday prayer night that God can do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." That thought motivated me on Saturday night to pray for 50 adults and 40 children. On Sunday, we had 50 adults and 41 children; our third largest attendance ever.
At first I was a little disappointed that several unsaved parents from our VBS didn't come out. I was really working on them to come out this week. Indeed, there was only one unsaved person among the adults that came, Maria Teresa, a VBS mom coming for the second time with her saved mother. Pray for her salvation.
Manuel, the professional cyclist who we saw saved a few weeks ago, sent his saved wife with their two daughters. They, too, had gone to VBS this summer.
Victor, a saved VBS dad, came with his son. His other Christian brother, Moises, and their mother came out. They are brothers of Alejandro, a Christian who comes regularly to church. Pray that his brothers and mother make this church their spiritual home; as well as their other saved brother, Ernesto, who could not come out as he is a lawyer and had an emergency call from one of his clients, although his wife and kids came.
Although another VBS dad, René, could not come, he sent his three children. Pray for René as he is seeking the truth and, when he picked up his kids, asked if he could meet with me to clear up some doubts that he has.
Although we did not have the group of unsaved adults that we hoped, he had several unsaved children who heard the gospel in their class. Indeed, the only first-time adults were a mother and her two teenagers, whom I had led to the Lord almost a month ago. I thank God that they came out to church and that the two teenagers went to the teen activity the night before with our old church. It did them good (as well as our other new teens) to be around spiritual young people and I hope we continue to have joint youth activities with the old church for that same reason.
The upside is that almost all of the 91 people that attended were Christian families that attended, most of whom consider our church "their church." Still others who consider Liberty Baptist Church their church were missing. Our hope is that, as we continue to work with these families, that they will become more faithful and, consequently, stronger Christians; and that our church will grow spiritually as well as in number.
Please continue to pray as we have two more Sunday's of our campaign including November 13th, our church's first anniversary.