We finally hit the elusive 70! Although we have had special days of over 70 this was the first time we hit 70 in attendance on a regular Sunday. What helped that all 15 families were there except for a retired military couple on their annual month-long vacation. We also had some individuals missing as well a few kids we pick up for church. Our children's church is growing as some of the new families have kids. We had 28 this week.
This week was also exciting as we continued to see souls saved. Rhonda and I visited Janet, one of our military moms and her unsaved brother was there. I could tell that his heart was already prepared from the testimony of his sister. Luis accepted Christ as his Savior. On Saturday, Fernando, the husband of Maria Luisa (the Mom from the Spring Campaign whom I led to the Lord last week) was more receptive having visited our church the week before. He also trusted Christ and said afterward that he wants to stop working on Sundays so that he can come to church.
This Sunday Marcela, the twelve-year old of Maria Teresa ( a woman baptized last week) trusted Christ after the service. She makes a total of fourteen that have been saved in the last 7 weeks. We have four more Christians who want to be baptized, so we may have another baptismal service this coming week. Hopefully we can see some of the recently saved baptized as well. Praise God for His abundant blessings!