Dear Praying Friends,I am sorry we have not sent an update in so long, but it has been a busy summer between VBS, building the educational building, and preparing for the Christian School's official opening. We started with only 5 families with kids in the school this year, but I believe they are ones we can work with. We are excited about the new school year that began on Monday.
The Bible Institute begin classes this week. Attendance went down this year. We had two graduate last year, two are getting married and quit; and three others that dropped out that I never believed were that serious. The six we have left are the best young people and the most serious about serving God. One will be graduating this year.
We had a great vacation Bible school. We had 69 kids enrolled in the VBS and eight new parents come out on Sunday to hear a gospel message. Pray that we may see some saved. One named Elsa is a Prebyterian and wants to find out more about what Baptists believe. Another is Matilda, a mother from the area where we want to start a van route. We hope we can start one with her family.
On Saturday, we had our second monthly men's fellowship. We doubled the amount of men who came to the first one and hope to have more next month. I believe it will help much in their Christian growth. We had men give testimonies and for some it was the first time to pray with us on a Saturday night.
On Sunday, we had our best attendance in a while with 65 -- 44 adults and 21 children. You could tell people were back from vacation. Still, we had a military family of five missing for some reason; a lady and her daughter for an unknown reason; a mother was at home sick with her four girls; Fernando, a new Christian, in another town with his wife and two kids doing a plumbing job, but will back next week; a retired major in Canada for two weeks on vacation with his wife; a mother and her two daughters gone, I believe, giving birth to her baby; and the brigadier general and his daughter who have been attending lately gone for some reason.
Please pray that our people become more faithful. There definitely is a need for revival in our church. Please pray that a revival conference we are holding next week with evangelist John Van Gelderen next week be a blessing to our people and that many make life-changing decisions.
The educational building is coming along, although it has been slow waiting for men wehired to finish plastering, but they are finally done. All the interior walls are up, but the kitchen`s. Two classrooms and Pastor Gilberto's office are painted. We are putting in the other half of the windows and some interior doors.
Thank you for for your prayers,
Clint Rardin