Dear Praying Friends, I hope you are enjoying the holiday season at least as much as we are. Last Sunday we were blessed with two visitors that came because of a tract left in their door from two women in our church who were knocking doors in front of the apartment complex across the avenue from the church.
Their names are Guillermo y Gabriela and are a middle aged couple. They were saved in a missionary`s church several years ago and have been looking for a church. They seem like a very nice couple and he is interested in reaching Jews for Christ. I hope he can help us next month when we start knocking doors in the Jewish area.
Guillermo has an artificial leg from complications he had when he donated an organ. He is not bitter and says that he would do it all over again to help someone else.
They returned that night to our Christmas banquet and his wife asked if she could help in the banquet. We told her just to relax and enjoy it. We also enjoyed it. Rhonda did a great job with the food. It was a traditional American Christmas dinner and was delicious.
We had forty-six altogether at the banquet with live Christmas music by a professional violinist and pianist that we are trying to win for Christ.
The brigadier general that was saved this summer came with his wife, two grown daughters, his son, daughter-in-law, and grandaughters. The son is a lieutenant colonel in the army and was very attentive to the message. One of the two daughters, Fanny, is a regular in our church, but the general attends another church.
Toby, the young German who has been attending our church for about a month, brought his Mexican wife, Flor. She goes to a Spiritual Temple with her mother, but we are praying for her salvation. She said she really enjoyed the message. Rhonda and her talked for a long time as she speaks perfect English.
Another great blessing was the attendance of a Jewish family I have been visiting for almost two years. Alberto brought his wife and two teenage daughters. I was preaching on John 3:16, but steered the message to Isaiah 53 and other Old Testament texts taking advantage of the rare opportunity to preach to a Jewish family.
We are praying that this message stays in the heart of Alberto and his family. Alberto is very religious and is a thinker and I hope that the message stays in his mind until it brings forth the fruit of salvation.
All in all, it was a good weekend. Please pray for the people mentioned. We hope you have a great Christmas!
Clint Rardin