Dear Praying Friends,The slow process of perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry can be a slow, often frustrating experience; but then suddenly you get encouraging results. Erica, Gaspar's wife was the firstfruits of our ministry when we came back to Mexico in 2004. She was saved when I preached one Sunday during the fall push at the old church. Gaspar and Erica were only Sunday morning attendees as they lived an hour and a half from church on public transportation. They attended our new church from the first Sunday living only 20 minutes away with public transportation and have been faithful to all the services and activities, i.e. soulwinning and prayer meetings every since. Erica, in her first year as a Christian read the entire Bible, and we have seen slow, but sure growth these last two and a half years.
This last holiday week known as Holy Week, Erica went back to the sierra of Vera Cruz to witness to her mother and relatives for whom we have been praying for for two years. Erica's sister who lived with them for a few months this fall was saved despite the warning from her mother not to go to church with them. They are a very Catholic family. When Erica went back, she pressed home to her mother and grandmothers the truth of hell and the error of the belief in purgatory. Gaspar was able near the week's end to go to Vera Cruz and reap where Erica had sown and pressed home the need to repent of the sin of idolatry and accept Christ alone. The result was the salvation of Erica's mother, grandmothers, two uncles, and two cousins. They all have a desire to know more. Please pray that God gives us wisdom to know how to get more of the truth to them so that they can grow though Bibles, Bible study lesson books, etc.
Another great answer to prayer was the salvation of the niece of Helen, a lady in our church who has been attending our church with her son, Angel, an airline pilot. Helen told us on her second time going soulwinning with us of the salvation of her niece. For the last couple of weeks, we had the salvation of her nieces and nephews on our church prayer list. She said for the the last couple of weeks her 17-year old niece had been asking her several questions about hell and salvation. Helen answered her that without accepting Christ there was no hope of escaping hell. Marianela's dad was upset with Helen for saying that because, for days afterwards, Marianela would sleep with her light on or her door open as she was convicted with the fear of going to Hell.
This last weekend, she asked Helen about reading the Bible, and Helen answered that she really needed to accept Christ to understand it. Marianela surprised her by saying she had. Helen's Christian sister who lives in Switzerland had e-mailed Marianela and told her how to accept Him. Praise God!
God blessed this Sunday, our first of the Spring Push, with 16 visitors -- 8 children and 8 adults. We had our best attendance in a while, even though about 20 of our regulars were missing because of the two weeks of spring vacation that ends next week. We had great results from Unidad Legaria, an apartment complex in an area where we are trying start a van route. Ana Maria, a woman that was saved on Tuesday visitation, came out. Another woman named Ana Maria came out with her teenage granddaughter because of a flyer she received. She came forward at the invitation and was saved, then came back with her granddaughter for the evening service. Jose, the kid we have been picking up from same apartments and who had already brought his uncle and aunt (both still attend), brought this Sunday three other aunts, his uncle, cousin, and two neighborhood friends of his.
Also saved was Abner, a 17 year old nephew who is visiting one of our ladies for the two-weeks vacation. He had gone with us to our Good Friday church picnic. This Sunday he raised his hand for salvation and trusted Christ. His 20-year old sister, whom I led to the Lord a couple Saturdays ago on visitation, asked me this Sunday for a Bible to read. Please pray for the Christian growth of them both.
Thank you for your prayers for us. It is obvious that God is answering them.
Clint Rardin