We had an interesting day today with several visitors. One of them is probably a thief, and came to case out our church; we've seen them before and so we kind of know what they look like! Another young man came back with our soulwinners and sat in our evening service.
I hoped for one of the people that made a profession of faith a couple of weeks ago to respond to the preaching service this morning, and he did come to me after the service and said he had some things to ask and talk about. We arranged to meet Tuesday.
Our prospective translator came today. She said that she would give me an answer Thursday as to whether or not she will translate for Adam Rich during our furlough. We would appreciate your continued prayers concerning this.
Only 21 days til we leave for furlough now, so we would also appreciate your prayers concerning getting everything in order here before we leave. God has blessed in providing the finances we need at this time, so we praise and thank Him for that.