Dear Praying Friends, We had an excellent Sunday with 60 including 44 adults and 16 children. Some kids are still coming from the VBS. Their father made a decision on our Kid's Day back in the beginning of May. We hope that, through his kids, we can get him and his wife into the church.
German, the major general, and his wife came back this week and a young woman named Dulce and her daughter came after months of not attending, saying that she wants to get her child into church.
We had an older lady named Martha that visited us for the first time. This Tuesday at the prayer breakfast that we have once a month with other missionaries and pastors, one of the national pastors said that the aunt of his wife who lives near us was looking for a church and he wanted to bring her to ours one Thursday. He said she received one of our tracts at her door recently. To make a long story short, that was his aunt that came this Sunday!
Last of all, I want to tell you of one of the most amazing stories that lets you know it is God that does the work and thet we just need to be available. This same Sunday, a woman named Ofelia came to our church for the first time. She works with Guadalupe, the wife of the new couple that have been coming faithfully the last few months. Guadalupe teaches architecture at a university and Ofelia teaches chemical engineering.
Ofelia insisted that we eat with her and talk to her husband who had a fight with stomach cancer this year, but was cured. I assumed he was a Christian as I figured she was as she was attending services in the house of a medical doctor that teaches the Bible in his garage I tried to see if there was another day to visit him, but she insited that afternoon.
We went to their very nice home and on the way my wife said that Ofelia wanted me to talk to her husbund about being a Christian. He was a very nice man, quiet-spoken, but talkative. Antonio is a businessman importing chemical products thoughout Latin America and the U. S. making several trips to the U. S. and South America throughout the year before his sickness. Among his clients are Proctor & Gamble and Loreal. After dinner, I talked to him about his soul and he trusted Christ as his Saviour.
If that was not enough of an amazing experience, my wife tells me in the car on the way home that Ofelia is not even a Christian, but that they are Catholics and she had just recently started attending the Bible studies with the doctor. It is amazing how God works in the lives of people! We hope to see more of this couple.
Thank you for your prayers,
Clint Rardin