Acts 9: 37: And it came to pass in those days,...
Why did it come to pass in those days? It came to pass because the Lord of heaven and earth brought it to pass just like everything else he had done for this helpless sinner-Tabitha. Before creating the world, God chose Tabitha in Christ. The Son entered into covenant with the Father to present her to God without spot or wrinkle. Therefore, with Tabitha on his heart, Christ perfectly obeyed God's law that he might be a fit sacrifice to lay down his life in her place. He paid the wages of sin which Tabitha owed to God's justice. The Lord Jesus Christ died in her place so that God would be just to release Tabitha and count her not guilty before the law which she had broken. The Lord eternally purged all Tabitha's sins away. Her sins will never be remembered by the omniscient God of glory ever again. The Lord Jesus Christ did that by himself on the cross.
Because Tabitha was bought personally by Christ the Lord with the price of his precious blood, she had to be brought to know him as he is and what he did for her. But she was born spiritually dead. So the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, arrested her like he did Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. The Lord had to create spiritual life within her dead flesh. Just like she got the nature of her sinful father in natural generation, when she was born of Christ the Seed of God, in regeneration he passed his nature on to her. A child was born in the body of Tabitha's flesh and for the first time she beheld that God loved her personally from everlasting to everlasting and she believed him.
This was not the first time Tabitha had been sick--we know that because she was yet a sinner. She had been physically sick before and Christ had healed her because it was not the appointed time for her to die. She had been sick spiritually before--full of spiritual doubts, cast down spiritually on many occasions. Believer's know that because we know what it is to be a believer in this body of sin. Yet, the Lord had healed her like he did Aeneas, amongst his saints, in his church, using one of his messengers, through the gospel of his holy name.
It was the Lord who had filled Tabitha with the good works which she did. As the Lord nurtured and raised her, he filled her with love for God and her brethren. She grew in faith, in love and hope, in patience, and in graciousness that only God creates. Tabitha was recreated after the image of God. The Lord filled the apostle Peter with good works so that he might provide the gospel for Aeneas. By the same token, the Lord filled Tabitha with wisdom to sew and gave her a heart to give so that the Lord might provide coats and garments for his poor children. The Lord provided for Tabitha himself through her brethren, just as he provided for his other poor saints through her.
Finally, because the Lord had everlastingly loved Tabitha and redeemed her to himself, he would not let her perish in the grave. He raised her from the dead. All this was done through his messengers to illustrate the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord did it and the Lord gets all the glory. For all those on whom the Lord of heaven and earth has set his affection, it shall come to pass.
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Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553
Pastor's Telephone: 615-513-4464
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
11 AM Morning Worship
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
(The first Sunday of each month, morning worship begins at 10am followed by observing the Lord's Table. Afterwards we have lunch together.)
We especially welcome our friends who are so consistently listening, reading and commenting from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. For those who might like to visit us without missing their regular services, our mid-week worship service is on Thursday night at 7:00 pm. We welcome you to join us in worship of the Lord our Righteousness.