We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by Pastor Mark Gladwell (am) and Eddie Porter (pm). Today's Meetings:
9.45am Children's Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11.00am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service
After Church Fellowship at Colin & Gina's home
Weekly Meetings:
3.45pm to 4.45pm Children's Hour
7.15am Prayer for revival
9.30am to 11.00am Mums & Tots
6.45pm to 8.00pm KIC club - For Year 4,5 & 6 children.
2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker: Andrew Hill Slavic Gospel Association
7.45pm Missionary Mtg - Andrew Hill
7.30pm to 9.00pm FOY - For secondary school children
11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Ben Hutton - Margate
Thought For The Week:
"Yes, in the way of Your judgments, O LORD we have waited for You; The desire of our soul is for Your Name and the remembrance of You." Isaiah 26:7
Prayer For The Church:
Please pray for the CCIW camps this summer. Pray for Alistair and Norman as they prepare their daily sermons. Pray for the tent officers as they prepare their Bible studies.
Pray for Ruth, Mona as they seek employment.
Please pray for Mark and Marilyn as they go camping this week that they will be refreshed bodily and spiritually.
See note on outing.
Pray for Simon and Ali as they could be facing a financial crisis, that the Lord will over rule and necessary provision found.
Thank God that Pete is settling in well in his new job.
Prayer For The Local Area:
Abingdon Trevor Low, the pastor, is due to preach at the Anniversary of a church in Lisbon this weekend. The church is considering a possible second worker and hopes to arrange a second visit in the autumn. Quite a number from the church are involved in beach missions. Please remember these matters in your prayers.
Prayer For The Wider Area:
Carey Outreach Ministries - Carey School of Theology
Carey Outreach Ministries has been raised up by God to seek to serve the church of Christ by training spiritual leaders in developing countries.
In response to the ever-growing global need of training spiritual leaders, 1997 saw our first School of Theology opened its doors to over 40 students in Constanta, Romania.
Having spent five years building solid foundations in Romania, 2001 saw the Lord open a number of exciting doors across the globe for theological education. As an example, we started our second Bible Institute in Iloilo, Philippines with 72 students!
Opportunities to bring theological education are ever knocking on the Carey door. We hope not only to bring theological education to our existing Institutes in the Philippines, Cuba and Nepal but also to network in Cambodia, Mongolia and Hungary.
We are unable to contact Principal Warlito Monsalud, but he and the students are in great
As some of you are aware, there was a typhoon in the Philippines. It struck Iloilo where the William Carey School of Theology is located.
Here is the last email we received:
"Please pray we were rescued by two jet yesterday when we were near to die because of first big flood in the city many people died but we are alive. Some of our students are missing please help us pray almost nothing left in us." Warlito
Carey Outreach Ministries has had the privilege of serving in Iloilo, Philippines, for nine years. How we praise God for the lives that have been impacted by our faithful lecturers, field co-ordinators, jungle pastors and students.
Please pray that God will use this trial to further His work in the Philippines. Pray that He will bless and keep the Monsalud and the many students safe, and that they in turn will be able to reach out in Christian love to the hurting.
Bible Readings:
29th Deuteronomy 32:1-52; Ephesians 4:17-32
30th Deuteronomy 33:1-29; Ephesians 5:1-21
1st Psalms 36; Ephesians 5:22-6:9
2nd Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Ephesians 6:10-24
3rd Joshua 1:1-18; Philippians 1:1-11
4th Joshua 2:1-24; Philippians 1:12- 30
5th Proverbs 8; Philippians 2:1-18
General Announcements:
Want to get fit ?!?
If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30pm
Westbrook bay challenge spade
Waterford House Church ..............1
Free Grace Belvedere....................1
We have so much to thank God for - safety and good weather and Joyce's unstinting work for this trip. Also we thank God for the grace given to members as they were helped in showing His love and friendship to the many non-members on the trip. Pray that spiritual seed will have been sown.