As many of you already know, the PCA General Assembly received 2 overtures asking that a study committee be erected to consider the ordination of women to the office of deacon, and a further overture asking that the study committee's task be broadened to include a study of whether women may teach, lead worship etc.
The overtures committee took up and discussed these issues today, and here was the outcome.
First the good news; the Overtures Committee voted to answer the overtures calling for a study committee on women deaconesses in the negative. They also answered the North Georgia overture (#19) asking the PCA GA to decline to study the issue in the negative as well.
Now the bad news; the vote to answer in the negative was (if my memory serves) 44-31-2 with several "big names" in the PCA speaking in support of the study committee. This means that there is about a 99% certainty that there will be a minority report on this issue urging the PCA to erect the study committee anyway and therefore, the issue will be finally decided on the floor of the assembly.
The relatively narrow margin of victory on an issue where we would essentially be going back to the practice of the liberal denomination we left in 1973 (the PCUS) was disquieting to say the least. As were some of the arguments made in favor of the study committee.
Please keep the PCA in your prayers.
(PS: For a sermon briefly discussing the Office and Responsibilities of Deacon please click on the link below)