Acts 8:1: And Saul was consenting unto his death.
Stephen preached the truth of Christ and the Lord wonderfully worked his miracle of grace among the people. Then Saul arose disputing with Stephen (Acts 6: 8,9.) But on what grounds did Saul base his objection? (Carefully read Deuteronomy 13: 1-11.)
Saul had no spiritual understanding of what the Lord declared in this law, only the letter. All Saul beheld was a man working wonders and miracles through the preaching of another god. As far as he was concerned the law said he had a right to reject him.
Is it any wonder that Saul hated Stephen? Stephen declared Christ to be the end of the law for all who believe but the law was Saul's life. Saul's gospel was the gospel of the faith of Saul not the gospel of the faith of Christ. So Saul and the others, stirred up the people saying, We have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change the customs which Moses delivered us (Acts 6: 14.) By his self-attained understanding, Saul imagined his god would be pleased with his obedience to the law if he refused to pity Stephen. By his self-attained faith Saul imagined his god would be pleased with him if he refused to spare Stephen. In this grand delusion from which only God can save, Saul truly thought he could fulfill the law of God. Therefore, instead of fleeing to God for refuge, he literally took the law into his own hands.
Beholding only the letter of the law, Saul justified himself for rejecting Stephen and his Lord, yet he had no idea that in doing so he was the idolater God's law spoke of. If we imagine that God's grace to us is in any way because of our obedience to the law then we are the very outlaw which God's law warns against. In our day, the signs and wonders of false prophets which the law in Deuteronomy speaks against are outward signs, fleshly signs, great prayers to be seen of men, great sacrifices of self-denial to oppress needy sinners under the thumb of self-seeking imposters, creeds and confessions and denominational traditions of men which are held more earnestly than the Word of God. When a man's religion is all outward in the flesh then those who worship God in spirit and in truth are a threat to him. When a sinner's refuge is jeopardized then he will certainly stone you as Saul proved. Saul would not consent unto Stephen's Lord so Saul consented unto Stephen's death.
What had Saul missed? (Read Deuteronomy 18: 15-22.) Saul was too busy looking into God's word to justify himself, to sanctify himself, to come to God in the strength and work of his own imagination, so he missed Christ. He did not hear the law declare that God rejects that which God has not wrought himself. Stephen proved systematically throughout his sermon (read Acts 7) that everything the Lord promised he has brought to pass by his own power; everything that Christ the Prophet has spoken has come to pass by his own hand; that he is not another god but THE GOD OF GLORY who is himself eternal Life. In other words, Stephen preached the sovereign, effectual, grace of God in Christ Jesus. But it got too close to Saul's refuge.
Every religious man who has ever disputed with those who preached the truth has argued one and the same point. In every case they dispute to protect their false refuge. A sinner's refuge may be no Christ, only the law, as was Saul's. Their refuge may be Christ plus the law, as was the false teachers in Galatia. It may be Christ plus my act of faith, which is Satan's lie in our day. Yet, all disputers rise up whenever the gospel comes too close to that secret element which they credit themselves with having performed which made them accepted with God; all argue one point only--"YOU WILL NOT TAKE AWAY MY PART IN SALATION!" The first murder ever committed by Cain was in defense of this one point. The murder of the Prince of Life was committed to defend it. Stephen's murder here was committed for the same reason.
Throughout the word as Paul instructs us to crucify the flesh. We see here how he learned first hand that the only way to mortify the deeds of the flesh is for a sinner to flee to Christ through faith. Saul proves here that fleeing to the law to crucify the flesh only multiplies our offenses. May God give us grace not to dispute the Truth, with the law he gave and with our vain works, but to flee to him.
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Rocky Hill Firehouse, 2nd floor
150 Washington Street, Rocky Hill, NJ, 08553
Pastor's Telephone: 615-513-4464
Sunday 10 AM Bible Class
11 AM Morning Worship
Thursday 7:00 PM Mid-week Service
(The first Sunday of each month, morning worship begins at 10am followed by observing the Lord's Table. Afterwards we have lunch together.)
For those who might like to visit us without missing their regular services, our mid-week service is on Thursday night and it is a worship service. We welcome you to join us in worship of the Lord our Righteousness.