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Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 135 (Robert)
Call to Worship: ‘Our Savior’s Wondrous Death’
Scripture Reading: Daniel 4 (Bob)
Hymn # 258- ‘He Hideth My Soul’
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 4:1-7 (David)
Message: ‘Who Makes Us to Differ?’
Hymn # 235- ‘Pass Me Not’
Call to Worship
(Tune #236 - ‘Amazing Grace’)
I sing my Savior’s wondrous death,
He conquered when He fell.
“’Tis finished!” said His dying breath,
And shook the gates of hell.
’Tis finished!” our Immanuel cries,
The dreadful work is done.
Hence shall His sovereign throne arise,
His kingdom is begun.
His cross a sure foundation laid,
For glory and renown.
When through the regions of the dead,
He passed to reach the crown.
Exalted at His Father’s side,
Sits our victorious LORD.
To Heaven and hell His hands divide,
The vengeance or reward.
The saints from His propitious eye,
Await the trumpet sound.
And all the sons of darkness fly,
The terror of His frowns.