Folks, the coming beast system highlighted in Daniel 2 and slated to devour the entire world (Daniel 7:23), is coming into existence now. The main reason is due to the overzealous religious nature of globalists who are so dedicated to embracing Satan's will and ideologies. In return of course, Satan "blesses" them with more financial wealth than they could spend in ten lifetimes while using that wealth to bend global humanity to their will, by any means necessary. Of course, we need to always remember that whatever gains globalists make toward their goals is due solely to God allowing that to occur.
Globalists don't care if we fight them or willingly go along because they intend to get what they want either way. They also don't care what the actual truth is related to each particular situation either (C0V, the jab, mandates, ESG, climate change, social justice, etc.). With stonefaces they ignore their lies when truth exposes them. They realize they are in vaunted positions of authority due strictly to the fact that they are sold out to and protected by Satan and own most of the world's wealth. In essence, they are fully untouchable by humans, by design.
Only God is Master over their lives and again, it appears He is allowing globalists to be led along by the lies they have willfully embraced, directly from Satan. Those lies keep them from receiving the truth and because they have fallen in love with all the lies from which they profit (2 Thessalonians 2:10), they cannot see truth.
[caption id="attachment_41473" align="alignright" width="300"] A few globalists or their mouthpieces doing what they do - working to control the entire world.[/caption]
In reality, these globalists do not for one moment believe in what they're pushing about climate change, transgenderism, ESG, racial equity, DEI or anything else other lie. These Marxist lies are simply being used because of their great need to dominate the world by completely remaking it and destroying the world's economy now. They introduce utter division into society through all these Marxist memes. The intent is to fully overthrow global society via the division they sow. It is a game they take very seriously and to that end, globalist group the Bildergergers just recently met in Spain.[1] These people are sold out to themselves. They intend our harm, not our good.
The Bilderberg group is the perfect example of the megalomaniac villain who dreams of ruling the entire world. It is what motivates them and is the globalist mentality. They fully believe they were put here for the purpose of ruling globally as Lords in their Feudal System 2.0 that is now coming into place. Once they achieve what they set out to create, we will see just how quickly the world stops hearing about climate change, social justice, micro-aggressive racism and everything else. If people could only realize that this set up is being foisted upon global society in order to enslave and kill people, to create global leaders, maybe more would wake up.
Mike Adams, from Health Ranger, has some interesting things to say about what's happening now and where he thinks it's going.[2] He also includes the coming self-replicating mRNA jab that will be introduced in Japan this October and will spread to the rest of the world from there.[3] Michael Yon also talks about this same situation regarding self-replicating mRNA jab.[4] I'd suggest readers take the 20 minutes needed to view/listen to the video.
All of this is difficult to deny, much less ignore. Yet, I realize there are folks (including even some Christians), who do not buy into all of this "end times" discussion. I get it, but there is a reason God has included roughly 30% of prophetic discourse in His Word. I believe the main reason is for Christians to be aware of the reality and growth of this final, satanic world system that will dominate.
In spite of Bidenflation and all the other problems that this world faces currently...