A recent study details the fact that cows actually keep methane gasses lower when they are in pastures than if they were not there to eat the grass. [1] In essence, the study proves that cows do not cause so-called "climate change."
What is also interesting about the study is that, though unmentioned, it appears to support the notion that God put a great deal of detail and intricacy into His creative plans so that there would be quality checks and balances in place since He obviously knew what would occur after He finished creating. The sin and death brought about first by Satan's rebellion and then by our first parent's disobedience and rebellion by believing lies told to them by Satan continues to resonate throughout this world. This will finally culminate in the destruction of this world by God Himself (not humanity), along with the creation of new heavens and a new earth.
In essence, ignoring the mutually beneficial relationship that cows have with the land is something that globalists do because they need to push the message of fear that says "climate change" is killing the planet and making it difficult to produce food (as if they actually care). If they truly did care, they'd be able to take some of their money they spent on "progressive" political causes and feed much of the world. Instead, their lack of action there speaks volumes.
The fact of the matter, according to many scientists, is that the only thing killing the planet deliberately are those globalists and their mouthpiece politicians and bureaucrats who are deliberately doing what they can to forcefully create a lack of food items for the world. This will result in these same globalists trying to force people to eat fake, lab grown meats and insects. The problems with these things are numerous. One major concern is how much energy it actually takes to create lab grown meat, which is far more than it takes to simply allow a calf to grow into a cow for humane slaughtering later.
But what else are globalists up to in trying to force the world to surrender to their control and dominance, while they enrich themselves all the while? We are all aware of the attempted overreach of The WHO, a group of UN unelected bureaucrats headed by a person who was a terrorist before he took over the mantle of The WHO. Anyone can do their own research and find out more about Tedros.
Seems that not all "nation states" affiliated with The WHO agreed with the attempted hijack of individual national sovereignty and could not agree on treaty terms. Because of that, the treaty was scrapped, temporarily, but of course, wheels are still in motion to create the signed and sealed document eventually. If this happens (and of course, Biden is ready to have Blinken sign on, though he has not committed to turning treaty over to the Senate as the Constitution demands[2]), then the USA's sovereignty as a nation dies in the light.
I'm not sure what that ultimately means considering what this country (as well as other countries), already went through regarding C0V. During that time, people were forced to close their businesses unless they were one of the special businesses allowed to remain open (like Walmart, Target, grocery stores, liquor stores, strip clubs, etc., but not churches), and everyone was told to stay away from other people and even mask up as the world waited for the introduction of the inoculation that promised to eliminate the pandemic, but did not.
If you'd like to read more information about how globalists locked down the world and why, Vigilant News has a timely article on exactly what happened and why it happened leading up to and during C0V.[3] In other words, the purposes that directed globalists' efforts were sinister and though they did not get all of what they wanted, they got quite a bit. They cannot go backward by letting up the pressure. If they do, they will lose the big prize they seek, so they must push on to foment and radicalize the type of fear they need to see throughout society that tells them people are so afraid of death that they will do whatever they are told to avoid it. That includes seeing other people as "enemies of personal health."
We still see those people today, many of whom continue to live in fear of a...