I want to tell you why I see the World as a dangerous delusion designed to prevent you from realizing your true danger. I did not develop this view from some special knowledge hidden from mere mortals nor did I receive it by special inspiration or vision. I experienced the truth of the World System first hand from my youth. I want you to know so you can truly determine if you can trust what I write. The purpose of discernment, Christian maturity, is to understand how Satan’s World System penetrates and seeks to organize every aspect of life to prevent you and your loved ones from seeing their true danger and the only solution God offers: Salvation. But, unless yourealize your true danger, you will not accept the life ring of salvation and be pulled from the raging seas of sin into Christ’s rescuing arms like Peter (Mt 14:22-33).
I want to begin by writing that the World System is not some esoteric, nebulous system conjured up by religious zealots in some secret private corner of their belief system (2Pe 1:20). Jude used the phrase, Way of Cain, which is found nowhere else in Scripture (Jude 11). I believe that Cain was the author of civilization with both its political-economic-religious axises as he built the first cities (Ge 4:17). This required laws to control sinful behavior lest it degenerate into chaos such as he left in his wake after murdering Abel (Ge 4:8). Cain’s descendants laid the foundations for civilization to flourish (Ge 4:19-22). Cain’s system grew until evil had nearly extinguished God’s truth (Ge 4:23-24; 6:5-8). This was picked up again after the Flood when Nimrod established the first Postdiluvian Civilization which separated after God intervened at Babel (Ge 10:8-10; 11:1-9) {Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny.}. As people separated they retained the forms of this civilization. Satan has been refining various civilizations to once again overcome God’s intervention and develop a single civilization to squelch the Gospel Truth from the earth.
It is important for you to understand that the governmental system you were taught in school was in fact propaganda to guide your thinking. As public education methods were refined in the 20th century, greater numbers of people were indoctrinated into The Delusion (2Th 2:3-12). The single greatest reason people clutch at their idealistic dreams is the acceptance that their world system views appear safe and protective. In America it is impossible to change their views. It would have been impossible for me also, especially since I was raised in a military family steeped in government indoctrination since birth. It was a slow, painful process God used to open my eyes and eventually lead me to salvation. I fear for those who should know the Truth but remain entrenched in their dreams.
Being an army brat, meant that I moved every threes years growing up in various American and overseas communities. It meant being an outsider wherever I lived; especially off base. When I was 14 we moved off base into a local Southern community in the early 1960s. Southern communities were very colloquial, very hostile to outsiders; especially Northerns. The World System tendrils reach down to nearly every level of local communities. I was different. I stuttered. And, growing up in integrated military communities, I spoke about the black friends I had on base. The school system quickly classified me as mentally retarded and I bore the brunt of physical and emotional assaults nearly everyday, even in the neighborhood.
This experience showed me that being different was dangerous. I was hated simply because I was different. My very existence was an affront to their worldview and, like Cain, they sought to push this threat from their worldview. I had no one that would rescue me from this system and my parents were ineffectual also. Relief came only when Dad was transferred to another post..
This experience became pivotal. God used this to show me that the only friend I had was Jesus; though it would take me some time to come to this conclusion. In my late 20’s I embraced salvation and seriously embarked to understand the Bible. I also turned to history to understand how God influenced Man’s journey. It was a long, slow process to gradually unlearn much of what I had been taught.
Truth be told, people really do not want to be different. Sin forces people into alliances that accentuate their sameness (Ro 1:32). Not their sameness in God’s Truth but their sameness of worldviews. They gain comfort, reassurance, that they are OK when surrounded by those who reinforce the same myths. They listen to those who tell them what they wish to hear (2Ti 4:3-4). They do not want to be bothered with Truth for that would make them different and prone to attack (2Ti 3:1-5). In point of fact it is the logical fallacy appealing to the majority; if we all believe something to be true then it must be the truth! Right? Right?
Christ warned that the Gospel would set family members against each other; not because the Gospel demands forced conversions; it does not (Mt 10:34-39)! The Lost demand that you be as them or face ostracization (Mt 5:10-12). The Old Testament saints faced this personal violence even to death rather than give up the Truth (He 11:32-38). Stephen, Paul and our greatest example, Christ, faced death rather than give up the Truth (Ac 7:56-60; 2Ti 4:6-8).
Each Christian is a missionary those they interact with whether they be friends, co-workers or family members. We may be the only opportunity to observe one who lives the Gospel Truth. What do they see? Do they see a difference in you or do they see themselves in you? Paul said to live at peace with people in so far as you are able; he did not mean to walk like the world so that one becomes indistinguishable from the World (Ro 12:18). God does not require us to criticize the Lost but neither should we placate them.
I would never have chosen this path; Christ chose it for me. I have imperfectly followed realizing my errors put people against the Gospel. I feel a desperate need for people to see God’s Truth as the deepening Darkness descends but what I usually find in Christians is an indifference that mirrors the Laodiceans (Re 3:15-18). They believed they were OK when in fact spiritually they were the opposite; they were in desperate need of Truth! Let us not be as they. Christ stands knocking, can you not hear Him (Re 3:20)? He calls you to maturity, to salvation, to oneness with Him (Re 2:17).
True love is not giving people what they want; it is giving people what they need. Christians today are failing miserably so they do not feel the isolation and hostility of the World System. Churches are sailing headlong into apostasy rather than stand on God’s Truth. I fear that I should lose you too. I am very afraid. Yet, I am more afraid of losing Christ; of hearing Him say, “I never knew you; depart from me” (Mt 7:21-23). Will I hear this from you?