Mercy and Truth
“By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”
(Prov. 16:6-7)
Some see mercy and truth as opposites but everywhere in Scripture we find that these are attributes of God that are eternally and inseparably united when it comes to the salvation of sinners.
1.) Iniquity can only be purged in God’s justice where both are satisfied. Notice the inspired Word does not say ‘either by mercy OR truth,’ but ‘by mercy AND truth iniquity is purged.’ Elsewhere, in Psalm 85:10 we read, “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” God cannot and will not set aside one for the other to save the sinner.
2.) Mercy and truth do not leave their objects indifferent. The Word declares, “…by the fear of the LORD men DEPART from evil.” It is the revelation of mercy and truth in Christ, by the Spirit of God in the heart, that cause the sinner to fear the LORD and renounce every false way of approaching unto God. The Bible calls false worship evil and those who promote it as workers of iniquity, Matthew 7:23.
3.) Mercy and truth accomplished in the death of the LORD Jesus cause a Man’s ways to please the LORD: Let no one mistake this text to say that by a man showing mercy and acting truthfully that his iniquity is purged. The original leaves no room for such an interpretation. It reads, "By mercy and truth HE shall purge iniquity." HE, God, by His mercy in sending His Son the LORD Jesus into the world shall purge iniquity according to His truth and justice. So effectual would be the sacrifice of God’s Son that the end would be peace and ALL the ways of those sinners for whom He died would please the LORD. “He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)
All for whom Christ died were enemies, under condemnation and not justified until the LORD Jesus paid their horrible sin debt, Romans 5:8. However, upon completion of His death, they were once for all reconciled unto Him and declared to be righteous (justified) before Him. As a sinner, saved by Grace, there is great comfort and consolation in knowing that the salvation of God is just and true and that God is just in showing mercy to sinners for whom Christ died. Because He died, the Father was satisfied and “there is therefore now [since the cross] NO CONDEMNATION.” (Romans 8:1) In Christ then, mercy and truth are agreed together in an eternal bond that can never be broken!
Ken Wimer