Shreveport Grace Church
2970 Baird Road · Shreveport, LA 71118
Tel: 318.687.4943 | Mob: 318.834.4395 | Fax: 318. 318.671.4434,
Scripture Alone · Grace Alone · Christ Alone
Live Steaming for all services
Shreveport Grace Church
2970 Baird Road · Shreveport, LA 71118
Tel: 318.687.4943 | Mob: 318.834.4395 | Fax: 318. 318.671.4434,
Scripture Alone · Grace Alone · Christ Alone
April 10, 2022
Opportunities For Worship
Worship - 11:00 AM
Choruses from Chorus Book
Scripture Reading: Psalm 27 (Bob)
Call to Worship: ‘Sing the Praises of Jehovah’
Scripture Reading: Colossians 2 (Robert)
Hymn # 103- ‘One Day’
Scripture Reading: John 12:27-36 (David)
Message ‘Who Is This Son of Man?’
Hymn # 118- ‘When I Survey the Wondrous Cross’
Live Streaming (Audio and Video)
7:00 PM - Studies in the book of Nehemiah
7:00 AM - International Worship (Malawi)
10:00 AM - Bible Study in French
8:00 AM - Fellowship in Christ
7:00 AM - International Worship (Malawi)
Contact information
Ken Wimer, Pastor☎ (318) 687-4943
PO Box 5028, Shreveport, LA 71135
Audio Messages Available 24/7 On-Line and
Radio Broadcasts every Sunday Morning (CST):
9:00 KWKH AM Radio 1130, Shreveport,
LA area or LIVE streaming @
Call to Worship
(Tune # 17- ‘Come, Thou Fount’)
Sing the praises of Jehovah,
For His Free and Sovereign Grace.
In His purpose God determined,
He would save a chosen race.
Sing the praises of Jehovah,
For the Gift of His Dear Son.
None but Jesus Christ could save us,
God and Man, the Holy One.
Sing the praises of Jehovah.
That sent Christ the Lamb Who died.
He accomplished our salvation,
All His sons now justified.
Sing the praises of Jehovah,
For the cross of Calvary.
Jesus satisfied the Father,
Set His captive people free.
Sing the praises of Jehovah,
For the Spirit’s work within.
He revealed to us the Savior,
And made known our guilt of sin.
Sing the praises of Jehovah,
Honor Him with thankfulness.
Bless His name, the LORD has saved us,
By Christ’s blood and righteousness.