"Our Approach to God" LD46 & Matt 6:5-15 We have the address of the Lord's prayer before us. We have seen that prayer was native to the child of God and that the Holy Spirit gives the ability to pray although there is prerequisites to prayer. Now the Lord will have us understand the address of prayer. Before the petitions Jesus tells His disciples about addressing the Living God!
Figure: "Our Father which art in heaven." Although the figure has been tarnished by the world we will not let it detract. Our children do not have the fears of this world and the figure is very much alive! It is a matter of COMPLETE trust. A father is one who begets naturally or by adoption a child and is shouldered with all the responsibility of the care and privileges of his father knowing he will never be forsaken! They can trust him fully with no lack of confidence! Yet, we have something way deeper...which art in heaven! The child of God can pray without any doubt to his Father who is in heaven! We must however:
1. Approach Him in deep humility and reverence as He is the Triune God. it is He who we call our Father and He IS the Almighty, Omnipotent God! Lest our familiarity breeds contempt. We always have the distinction between parent and child with all the rights and privileges of such a position.
2. We are limited but we call He who is heavenly and who holds the stars in His hands. He is UNLIMITED! His hand does not and cannot wax short!
The Basis: The basis can never be found in us. Read Ephesians 2. We did not have the right or have a claim to Him in and of ourselves but it was always a matter of the cross where He adopted us in our Lord Jesus Christ whereby we received the privilege of calling Him our Father! The son-ship of adoption overrides anything else we have! Our God adopts us effectively and does what we cannot do. He sends His Spirit in our heart whereby we are essentially made the children of God made in the image of His Son! Reborn and made His children that we receive a realization of.
Trust: We pray in that assurance that we are His sons and were purchased in His Son. And we can trust as we pray in faith (full assurance) that God will accomplish His will. God will never forsake or leave and will give us ALL things necessary for both body and soul! Now and finally when we inherit the inheritance in heaven!
Your and my Father in Christ Jesus. Aba Father!
And we pray as such.