Sunday, November 14, 2021
Sinners, now saved by sov'reign grace,
Come sing your great Redeemer's praise,
Who bought you with His precious blood
And reconciled your souls to God.
Praise Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
Who as our cov'nant Surety stood;
Before all time His face was set
To save the world of His elect.
Praise Him Who never, never could
Forsake those He forever loved;
Though fallen rebels, full of sin,
He died with joy to make us clean!
Praise Christ the Lord, with glory crowned,
Our Advocate upon the throne,
Who intercedes for us with God
And rules all things to do us good!
Tune: “Just As I Am” pg. #249
(Luke 9:56) "The Son of man is not come to destroy
men's lives, but to save them."
Our Lord was going through Samaria on His way to Jerusalem. He sent His disciples ahead to prepare for Him to pass through a village of the Samaritans. But they would not receive Him, so they went to another village. If you reject the Lord Jesus Christ, He will go somewhere else. You have refused Him, so He goes away. At the wedding feast, the invited made excuses as to why they would not come, and the Master of the house said to his servant, “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.” When the Lord Jesus Christ turns from you, because you will not receive Him, He will turn to another, and you will be without excuse. If you will not have Christ, there are others who will. – Milton Howard
“Jesus wept” at Lazarus’ tomb, not because he was weak, unbelieving, or discontent with divine providence, but because he was and is a real man touched with the feeling of our infirmities, moved by that which moves us. He wept with his weeping friends because he felt and shared their grief and sorrow. - Don Fortner
The process of sin is always from bad to worse, never from bad to better. Just look at your body as it ages. It never grows younger, healthier, stronger, more intelligent, etc. Sin introduces death, and decay wherever it is found, never life, never better. Thank God there is a cure for sin, Jesus Christ, His person, His blood, His righteousness, His life. All that a sinner needs is Christ, and he/she has the cure. - John Chapman
“The God of all grace,” transcends all human thought and conception. He is not the God of some of the grace we enjoy, but of all the grace we have experienced and shall experience, all the way home to glory. This sweeps out of our way all thought of human merit, creature effort, or man's cooperation in the work of salvation. Satan would have us believe that God is gracious only while we are good and the God of Grace to us when we believe, repent, and pray. What a perversion of truth! If God were not gracious, aye, “all grace” to me at all times, hell would certainly be mine. Unbelief, rebelliousness, and prayerlessness are great plagues to me. In the face of all His care and attention to me, I am forgetful and indifferent and unmindful of Him frequently. - Thomas Bradbury
May we know that it is not only for us to be safe in Him, but separate to Him and satisfied with Him until that day when we shall see Him as He is, and be like Him and with Him forevermore. - Scott Richardson
When Abraham returned from delivering his brother Lot, the king of Sodom offered Abraham the spoils. But Abraham would take nothing lest the king should say, “I have made Abram rich.” Abraham had the Shield and Reward of faith. “After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward” (Gen 15: 1). - Clay Curtis