Salvation belongs to the LORD; Your blessing be on Your people! Selah Psalm 3:8
I’m blessed to incredible heights to read in the several places of Scripture that salvation is from the LORD (Psa 37:39), or is of the LORD (Psa 68:20), or like today’s verse, that salvation belongs to the LORD (Jon 2:9). Each time we meditate upon the truth of our redemption through this purchase by Christ at the cross, it should not only give us reason to rejoice, but it should also give us sober conviction to appropriately respond with surrendered stewardship. If we are saved by God’s grace in Christ, we are bought with an infinite price, and we are not our own (1 Cor 6:19-20). Because Jesus suffered God’s wrath (which was our due and not His), because He died in your place and mine, because He shed His precious blood for the forgiveness of our sins, the Lord Christ owns you and me, lock, stock, and barrel. Every resource with which He blesses His people belongs to Him, and we are merely stewards of those blessings. Those blessings become eternal gold, silver, and precious gems when we use them for God’s glory through Christ’s exaltation; however, they will be consumed by fire as wood, hay, or stubble when they are used for our own glory according to the selfish lusts of our flesh (1 Cor 3:12-13). Now, here’s the kicker— even our salvation belongs to the LORD. Certainly, all salvation comes from Him, but your salvation and mine is His as well. We are merely stewards of this infinitely priceless gift. Yes, it also belongs to us; for it is a true gift. Nevertheless, the only reason we have it at all is because He gave it. Like an expensive race car given a teenager. Our heavenly Father hands us the keys (Matt 16:19) and we can drive it wherever we want, but we are responsible to drive safely on the road, following all the traffic laws, caring for the safety of every passenger in the car as we drive, and parking appropriately to keep the vehicle in great shape and from getting a ticket. Our Father and His Son paid for the vehicle and the insurance. In fact, the names of the Father and the Son are on the title and registration. We simply have a 66 book note from the Owner saying we can drive the car. So let’s drive infinitely and eternally with holy circumspect!
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