"Blessed Accusation" II Samuel 12:7&13 From time to time before we partake of the Lord's supper we stand on a threshold of a few weeks of self examination. It is also a good practice to do once in a while. Definitely not an easy task as we must deal with sin as our old man of the flesh would like to "leave sleeping dogs lie." We do examination of ourselves according to scripture even as we read many passages that speak of salvation through sin and grace. We too consider our sin not to be discouraged, but to move us to our Lord Jesus Christ which is our total and complete salvation! The situation: II Samuel 11:29. "The thing David had done displeased the Lord." It shows the convoluted way that David had dealt with his own sin. He had become enamored with his success and his ease in the palace which turned into the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. He lusts after Bathsheba and commits adultery with her and she becomes pregnant. He then tries to have Uriah sent home from battle to try to cover his sin but he stays out in dedication to David the king who then sends a note to put Uriah in the very front of battle so that he would fall on the sword in battle. All these things he does to cover his sin. We see that sin breeds sin and it becomes larger and larger when it is not handled or is swept under the rug. Though having prosperity, David's soul was anguished with sleepless nights while he harbored his sin within (Psalm 69.) Indictment: The Lord sends an indictment in Nathan the prophet as it displeased Him. "Evil in the eyes of the Lord had David done" you read here. He thought he had the situation completely in hand and handled...as David had calculated all things. We too are like David and have "all things well in control" or so we think. These things are EVIL in the sight of God! You cannot hide from God! As adults we become schemers and hide and cover our sins to avoid confession. Wonder of wonders when we do evil against God when He is works within us in His mercy (like David) to bring us to where we need to be...to confession! Nathan was quite close to David. He consulted and brought the promise to David and spoke of the victories that God would give to him. David did not live very close to David though and Nathan would come with a problem and a parable unrelated to David for a judgment from David the King for the glory of God in the kingdom. David's anger was kindled against the man and he judges him (showing us he knew the law and even invokes God in his judgment.) How scheming is sin when one looses complete contact with spiritual reality?!! David brings HIS OWN judgment and indictment! And God in His mercy never ever let's His children go! Blessedness: The Lord ALWAYS brings us back because whom the Lord loves them He chastens. The words of David are GOLD here. Notice there is no excuse, no blame, no deflection, but TRUE SORROW! Not sorrowful like the world who is sorry because they get caught, but sorrow that is rooted in the Living God that works repentance unto salvation! The Lord comes to us these weeks and when we take personal inventory of ourselves and says to us "You ARE the man!" Then His word came to David and comes to us also and says "the Lord has put away your sin!" (Although God still visits the repercussions of sin in our lives.) Through TRUE confession, sorrow, and repentance the Lord puts our sin on our Lord Jesus Christ that we may delight in the joy that our sins are forgiven completely in His mercy! There is joy unbounded for we are forgiven in the Living Lord! "Amazing grace...how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!"