"He is Incarnate for us!" LD14 & Hebrews 2 We have seen the outworking that was explained in the previous Lord's day (Savior who is God and man.) And we see them come together in very God and very man to work out our salvation. But..."many deceivers come that do not believe He has come in the flesh..." Yet, we, who believe, are saved with our salvation that is full and free!
The need: Why did our Lord Jesus Christ have to make Himself as we are? It was God's purpose to save and redeem a people through the channels of sin and grace as we read in Ephesians 1. It is God's good pleasure! We need Him to come in our flesh to cover our sins! It remains a matter of faith and in persuasion that is done by the Holy Spirit ALONE!
The wonder: The very thing that one wants proven can not be proven. It is only by faith! Rationality cannot conceive of it and/or even explain it. Biologically also we cannot explain it in ourselves....Beyond what the carnal eye sees in a petri dish we must see a soul...a person...a personality that God has made! We must stick close to the Word of God as it speaks of the incarnation....born of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary who is the Son of God whom assumes upon Himself our flesh and blood! It IS the promise of God fulfilled in His grace (always!) It is God who conceives in Mary the Christ child! Without confusion inseparable are the natures of Christ which is our confession!
Our profit: He is and remains the Son of God to take upon Calvary for our salvation! "He condemned sin in the flesh!" No way to be restored to God's favor except the atonement be made as He vanquished sin, death, and hell being made under the law, taking our flesh to death, and bursting forth into Heaven! It is the victory of the new heaven and earth and we can be buried when we die being fully assured!
Why is this important? Because He rendered us victorious and He will one day take us into glory..."a world without end Amen!"
So, do you believe in the incarnation? If you don't what assurance do you have?