MESSAGE – The Word of Substitution (2) – Matthew 27:46
CLOSING HYMN – Praise the Savior – p. 51
Birthdays: Sarah Hall – May 27th | Stone Payne – May 30th
The voice from the cross did not summon men to do, but to be satisfied with what was done, “It is finished.” The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only perfect thing which has ever been presented to God on man’s behalf. “It shall be perfect to be accepted, there shall be no blemish therein” (Lev. 22:21). –Scott Richardson
“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” (2 Corinthians 13:5). The goal of true and honest self-examination is NOT looking within ourselves to see if we “measure up” or if we have “done enough” to qualify as Christians. It is not even to find evidences within ourselves of salvation as most people think of evidences. The goal of true and honest self-examination is to look within ourselves to see if we are really trusting Christ for our whole salvation, or are we looking elsewhere for assurance and peace. The one thing I want to know about myself is this – Am I in Christ, and is Christ in me? I want to know that Christ is my ONLY hope of salvation, forgiveness of sins, righteousness, eternal life, and glory. If HE is not my only hope and assurance, then I am not “in the faith.” What is it to be in the faith? It is to be in the truth of the Gospel of salvation, preservation, and final glory, all by the free and sovereign grace of God based on the blood (the righteousness) of the Lord Jesus Christ without any contribution from me. Can I truly and honestly sing from my heart of hearts –
My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus’s blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’s name.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
If the true Christ of the Bible and His righteousness imputed to me is my only hope of salvation and life, then I can know from God’s Word that I am in the faith, that I am in Christ, and He is in me.
—Pastor Bill Parker
Christ's sheep do not contribute any part of their own wool to their own clothing. They wear, and are justified by, the fine linen of Christ's obedience only. – Augustus Toplady
A mind at perfect peace with God, O what a word is this!
A sinner reconciled through blood! This, this indeed is peace.
By nature and by practice far, How very far from God!
Yet now by grace brought nigh to Him, Through faith in Jesus’ Blood.
So nigh, so very nigh to God, I cannot nearer be!
For in the person of His Son, I am as near as He.
So dear, so very dear to God, more dear I cannot be!
The love wherewith He loves the Son, such is His love to me!
-- Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)
GOD tells us that His people are ACCEPTED IN CHRIST (Eph. 1:6). If a person is without Christ, then he has nothing that God will accept! God tells us that no man CAN COME unto the Father but by Christ; therefore, if a person is without Christ, he has no ground upon which he can approach God. Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." If He is THE WAY, there is no other way; if He is THE TRUTH, everything else is a lie; and if He is THE LIFE, everything apart from Him is death. Those who HAVE CHRIST have His blood for pardon, His righteousness for justification, His fullness for every need, His strength to support us, His promises to cheer us, His grace to keep us, and His power to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. -- William Gadsby